Modify the name partition in init.sun7i.rc
sed -i "s/nandd/mmcblk0p3/g" /mnt/init.sun7i.rc sed -i "s/nande/mmcblk0p5/g" /mnt/init.sun7i.rc sed -i "s/nandh/mmcblk0p8/g" /mnt/init.sun7i.rc sed -i "s/nandi/mmcblk0p10/g" /mnt/init.sun7i.rc
Il 30/ott/2013 16:18 <> ha scritto:
> Cubieboard 2 A20
> Find this manual
> Download Android 4.2_v1.05 (RTL8192CU) the same image write to nand.
> At the manual
> Modify the name partition in init.sun7i.rc
> sed -i "s/nandd/mmcblk0p3/g" /mnt/init.sun7i.rc
> sed -i "s/nande/mmcblk0p5/g" /mnt/init.sun7i.rc
> sed -i "s/nandh/mmcblk0p8/g" /mnt/init.sun7i.rc
> sed -i "s/nandi/mmcblk0p10/g" /mnt/init.sun7i.rc
hi, this procedure work with android 4, i now try to download android 4.2 for 20 and test pocedure
> has no success. Because in the file init.sun7i.rc no rows nand* or mmc* .
> After all, getting a boot log
> What is missing for a successful boot?
> --
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> To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to
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The manual mentions 9 real partitions.
/dev/sdc1 16MiB bootloader VFAT Files to assist the bootloader.
/dev/sdc2 36MiB boot EXT4 ramdisk
/dev/sdc3 500 MiB system EXT4 Android's /system partition
/dev/sdc4 Fill all space extend Extend Partition
/dev/sdc5 300MiB data EXT4
/dev/sdc6 16 MiB misc EXT4
/dev/sdc7 36 Mib recovery EXT4 Android's recovery partition
/dev/sdc8 125 MiB cache EXT4
/dev/sdc9 16 MiB private EXT4
/dev/sdc10 1-2 GiB UDISK VFAT
When booting Android 4.2.2 with nand 11 partitions
-------- fastboot partitions --------
-total partitions: 11 -
-name- -start- -size-
bootloader: 8000 8000
env: 10000 8000
boot: 18000 8000
system: 20000 100000
data: 120000 100000
misc: 220000 8000
recovery: 10000 228000
cache: 238000 a0000
private: 2d8000 8000
databk: 2e0000 80000
UDISK: 360000 400000
Does it matter?
setenv machid 0x000010bb