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Is cubes dead?

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Dec 11, 2017, 2:04:14 PM12/11/17
to Cubes
- too many errors, issues, bugs, problems and no answers, no response.
- the doc is way out of date and disorganized
- even hello_world doesn't work!
- there's been no development for a couple of years.
- someone should kill this project once and for all OR:

    Set up a decent 'getting started' guide for each platform.
   revise all the demos so they work out of the box
   do some testing and fix issues with libs etc.

Friedrich Lindenberg

Dec 11, 2017, 2:11:02 PM12/11/17
You seem to be a cheery fellow, bringing the Christmas spirit. 

Anyway, I thought it may be useful to post a quick pointer to babbage[1], which is a reduced-functionality version of cubes that I wrote a while ago and which is now maintained by the OpenSpending project[2] at Open Knowledge International.

The motivation was that cubes multiple backends introduced a bit of complexity, while the functionality against SQL databases could be had relatively simply. At one point it was fully API compatible with Cubes, but that may have moved on since.

Perhaps it’s useful to someone. 

- Friedrich

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José Juan Montes

Dec 11, 2017, 2:13:49 PM12/11/17
Hi Geoffrey. Thank you for your interest... I'll be writing about this tonight from CubesViewer point of view.

Jose Juan Montes

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Geoffrey Hay

Dec 11, 2017, 2:18:17 PM12/11/17

Hey, I was very interested in Cubes and especially CubesViewer. It seemed like a wonderful solution.

I do believe however, that if a project is dying then someone needs to say it so that others will not waste time with it.

The challenge is: if it’s not dying then people will step up and defend it and breathe some life into it.

If there is no response – its dead.

Jose Juan Montes


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Michael Schwab

Dec 31, 2017, 1:19:13 PM12/31/17
to Cubes
I don't know if I'd call it dead.  Yes the code is old and something of a headache to get started with on the first go, but I'm using it in several products and just built a brand new enterprise level application on top of it this year.  IF you need an olap solution that can run on docker/linux and is fast and scales linearly, this tool will do quite nicely.  I know there is talk of a version 2 someday, though I'm not sure where work is currently.  What's here is very usable and will save you many months of work vs trying to build out what it can do OOB.

Кирилл Марчук

Jun 22, 2018, 4:02:29 PM6/22/18
to Cubes
Hi Jose!

Has you written that ("I'll be writing about this tonight from CubesViewer point of view.") ?

If so, where is it possible to read?

PS: thanks for your tremendous effort with CubesViewer! These both products are quite awesome!!

понедельник, 11 декабря 2017 г., 21:13:49 UTC+2 пользователь José Juan Montes написал:
Hi Geoffrey. Thank you for your interest... I'll be writing about this tonight from CubesViewer point of view.

Jose Juan Montes

2017-12-11 20:10 GMT+01:00 Friedrich Lindenberg <>:
You seem to be a cheery fellow, bringing the Christmas spirit. 

Anyway, I thought it may be useful to post a quick pointer to babbage[1], which is a reduced-functionality version of cubes that I wrote a while ago and which is now maintained by the OpenSpending project[2] at Open Knowledge International.

The motivation was that cubes multiple backends introduced a bit of complexity, while the functionality against SQL databases could be had relatively simply. At one point it was fully API compatible with Cubes, but that may have moved on since.

Perhaps it’s useful to someone. 

- Friedrich

On 11. Dec 2017, at 20:04, tenyearsgone <> wrote:

- too many errors, issues, bugs, problems and no answers, no response.
- the doc is way out of date and disorganized
- even hello_world doesn't work!
- there's been no development for a couple of years.
- someone should kill this project once and for all OR:

    Set up a decent 'getting started' guide for each platform.
   revise all the demos so they work out of the box
   do some testing and fix issues with libs etc.

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José Juan Montes

Jun 28, 2018, 3:51:09 PM6/28/18

Regarding CubesViewer:

I'm not currently able to maintain the project in a timely fashion. I have a few tasks I'd really like to tackle in order to put CubesViewer up to date, tidy up a bit, and make it at least backend-extensible so it can be used with other data sources (maybe even include a simple JS backend, and allowing for MDX in the future). I think those steps would aid greatly towards making CubesViewer usable in way more contexts. 

I still sporadically work with Cubes and CubesViewer myself, and I guess I somehow refuse to declare this project totally dead. Admitedly it's a hibernated project, but I still hope to have some time to work on it and dispatch issues, but for at least a few weeks I'll be unable to do this as at job I'll need my full attention.

I have received a couple of proposals of helping developing CubesViewer. I felt I'd like to tidy up large parts of messy code before being able to progress, and I let them pass. Now I think this is of no use to the community so if anyone with some amount of available time is today interested in contributing to that roadmap (separate backends, JS CSV backend, fix bugs, *refactor*, make tests, improve documentation) please contact me and let's try to make it work.

I don't have real experience managing open source projects, so any advice and discussion towards making CubesViewer a neat analytic viewer is also very welcome.

Regarding Cubes:

Well, I cannot speak for Stefan. I know he very recently left his job (planned), and he was indeed planning to work on Cubes 2.0 for some time, but I don't know if that's still on his mind. Bear in mind that Stefan was working on a major version and it would take a while before we saw results, but he already started with the 2.0 branch. Let's hope he sends an update.

Stefan: I propose that if anybody who has worked with Cubes has the time and will, they could undertake the task of helping maintaining the 1.1 branch. At least merging pull requests, manage tickets...

Again, thanks everybody for the interest and contributions,

Jose Juan Montes

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Кирилл Марчук

Jul 9, 2018, 9:47:27 AM7/9/18
to Cubes
Hi Jose!

Thanks for your replies!

Just by any chance, maybe you know of any really in-depth book about the domain itself ? Also, are there any other comparable solutions, may be proprietary ? How is it (should be) used by people or in companies?

I for one am trying to use this for visualizing my family spendings (cf., and I also have used it on my previous job to be able to quickly view a situation with "time spent" by our teams on different projects with different task trackers (redmine, easyredmine, jira, etc).

But I still feel as if I miss like 99% of the potential of the technology, due to my poor knowledge of the domain.


четверг, 28 июня 2018 г., 22:51:09 UTC+3 пользователь José Juan Montes написал:
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