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New guide to install cubes and do a poc

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Shrileckha Chaithanya

Feb 28, 2017, 1:55:44 PM2/28/17
to Cubes
Hi Cubes team,

I am new to cubes. I wanted to do a poc as we are evaluating technology for the cube model we have. Can you pls guide me with the installation?

I looked at the installation page :

But I am not quite sure what all needed to install cubes. I would like to load the data, get the cubes from the OLAP server.


Dec 11, 2017, 1:49:13 PM12/11/17
to Cubes
Good luck with that. This project is dead I think. Nothing has been updated for several years. None of the demos work anymore and the required libs have moved on and are no longer compatible. Challenge any one of the developers to step up and fix it or kill it once and for all.
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