question regarding 'virtual' (calculated) dimensions

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Кирилл Марчук

Jun 22, 2018, 4:13:40 PM6/22/18
to Cubes
Hi all

With Cubes 1.1: say, I have a cube, dedicated to family spending budget, and an attribute 'subject' (who has spent), with values like 'Mother', 'Father', 'Son', 'Daughter'

What if I want to a virtual attribute with values like 'Parents' and 'Kids', so that 'parents' will sum up the mother's and father's spendings, and 'kids' those of 'son' and 'daughter'

I know I could do it easily with extra database column, but it there's a way to achieve this with model.json?



José Juan Montes

Jun 28, 2018, 5:20:17 PM6/28/18
Not with model JSON, with Cubes you'll need that extra column, but it could be a calculated column in your database system, using a view.

Since there is a 1-N relationship, you can also model that as a Dimension Hierarchy in Cubes, with two levels: the first being the "group" (parents / kids), and the second being the "individual" (mother / father / son / daughter).

Jose Juan Montes

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José Juan Montes

Jun 28, 2018, 5:22:32 PM6/28/18
I was incorrect. With Cubes 1.1, you have the "expression" attribute for attributes. Check . I don't know if you can use logic or ternary operators in there, though.

Jose Juan Montes

Кирилл Марчук

Jul 9, 2018, 9:50:29 AM7/9/18
to Cubes
Thanks! I will check!

I've seen also a "formula" argument in attribute constructor, but I have not found any actual usage for that value in the code :(

What I've also tried to do is to turn negative values from the database into positive ones (the spendings are negative in the database, but that does not look great on charts). So far I could not do this..


пятница, 29 июня 2018 г., 0:22:32 UTC+3 пользователь José Juan Montes написал:

Jose Juan Montes

Jose Juan Montes

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