Exporting UDs

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Soham Mehta

Jan 23, 2024, 4:30:17 AM1/23/24
to ctmm R user group
Hello Chris, 

Hope you are doing well! 

I was looking at exporting the UDs to use it on the habitat raster on ArcGIS Pro (for e.g. trying to overlay it on the habitat raster to get the proportion of UD volume in each habitat type). 

However, when I exported the UDs using the code below, the lower values are showed areas of high UD and vice versa. Am I missing something in the code? 
writeRaster(d10_UD, filename = "d10_UDw", DF="PDF", format= "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)

Also, wanted to ask if there's a way to delete locations that were recorded more frequently than 1 hour (and just keep a standard interval of 1hr)? Wanted to use that information for another purpose (I have already estimated the home ranges using the wAKDE). 

Soham Mehta 

Christen Fleming

Jan 24, 2024, 5:11:21 PM1/24/24
to ctmm R user group
Hi Soham,

That's how the CDF behaves. The <=95% CDF values includes the 95% home range area, which is larger than the 50% home range area (included in the <=50% CDF values).

If you want to calculate probability mass in each habitat type, then you want to export the PMF - and then you can do that calculation in R, just by multiplying the two rasters and summing.

For regularizing the data, you could use predict() or simulate(), depending on what you want to do with that.


Soham Mehta

Jan 24, 2024, 6:48:25 PM1/24/24
to ctmm R user group
Hi Chris, 

Thank you for your response! 

I did try to export the UD object with PMF. However, the lower values are still showing areas of high UD and vice versa on GIS. Am I missing something or is this okay? 

writeRaster(d10_UD1wraster, filename = "d10_UD1w", DF="PMF", format = "GTiff", overwrite = TRUE)

Soham Mehta


Christen Fleming

Jan 29, 2024, 3:05:39 AM1/29/24
to ctmm R user group
Hi Soham,

I'm not getting this behavior. I would check your script and output to make sure that you are looking at the updated TIFF files.


Soham Mehta

Feb 4, 2024, 9:40:49 PM2/4/24
to ctmm R user group
Hi Chris, 

That worked, thank you! Also, when I sum the UD values they come to 0.999737 even though I used a level.UD = 0.95 option. While calculating the UD I used the error as 0.001. By changing the target probability error what exactly happens, and what is the point for the target probability error to be 0.001? I want the sum of the UD values to come to 0.95. 

Was hoping if you could clarify this, thank you!

Soham Mehta
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