Dear Chris,
this mail hopes to find you well.
I am Alessandro, a PhD student. I am working on a dataset on Alpine marmot (Marmota marmota), a medium-sized social rodent. I used 'ctmm' package to estimate the home range of 23 individuals. This worked well and I wrote a manuscript to present my results. Then, peer-reviewers asked me to enrich the study by incorporating information on interindividual variation in space use, along with additional spatial parameters beyond just home range size. They also asked to compare how groups differ between each other. Thus, we would like to do some overlap to compare, for example, how much overlap there is between individuals of the same/different families.
Here, comes the question: I follow the R code present in github but, unfortunately, I am not able to fix the error on my own (code belowe). Do you have any suggetions?
OVERLAP <- overlap(akde(list(all_AKDE),
Errore in overlap(akde(list(all_AKDE), list(all_fit))) :
list object class not supported by overlap.
In aggiunta: Messaggio di avvertimento:
In akde(list(all_AKDE), list(all_fit)) : Fit object returned. DOF[area] = 0
> class(all_AKDE[[1]])
[1] "UD"
[1] "ctmm"
I did also the same with a few individuals to see if it may works, but it didn't. (please see the code below).
Prova1 <- overlap(akde(list(Primo_akde[[1]], Rosa_akde[[1]], Checco_akde[[1]], Valentina_akde[[1]], Pigi_akde[[1]], Moana_akde[[1]]), # B2
list(Primo_fit_phreml, Rosa_fit_phreml, Checco_fit_phreml, Valentina_fit_phreml,
Pigi_fit_phreml, Moana_fit_phreml)))
Any suggestion would be appreciated.