Hi Chris,
I am new to ctmm() but would like to work with this package to calculate autocorrelated home ranges. I have a few questions as I start to work with my data:
I have processed my satellite-linked tag data through MoveBank and receive the following columns as output:
animal, ptt, date, lon, lat, lc, error_radius, error_orient, semi_major, semi_minor
Using R, I projected the locations to UTM Zone 17N and extracted those values to new columns. I also added a column UTM.zone = "17 +north +datum=NAD83" to my data frame based on prior discussions in this forum. My result is a data frame with the following columns labeled as follows:
animal, ptt, timestamp, x, y, UTM.zone, lc, Argos.error.radius, Argos.orientation, Argos.semi.major, Argos.semi.minor.
As others in this forum have done, I set my projection as follows (I did this one of two ways to see if it made a difference in the error I was receiving - it did not):
nad83 <- st_crs("+proj=utm +zone=17 +datum=NAD83 +units=m +no_defs")
nad83.2 <- st_crs(26917)
Question 1: I'm stuck with bringing in my data using as.telemetry(), hoping you can help me identify where I'm going wrong here?
telemetry_data <- as.telemetry(object = mydata,
datum = nad83,
projection = nad83)
Error in if (grepl("+datum=", datum, fixed = TRUE)) { :
the condition has length > 1
If I don't set the datum = nad83, I get an error: Geocentric coordinates not found. Looking for UTM coordinates.
So, I set my datum = nad83 (or nad83.2 produces the same error). I've also set projection = nad83 as you have suggested others do in the forum discussions (though, I get the same error if I don't specify projection = nad83)
I'm at a loss of what else I can try. Do you have any suggestions?
Question 2: If I set my datum to a UTM coordinate system, will the output be in the same
coordinate system, such that, I shouldn't have to set projection = nad83? I assume this is the case, but want to confirm.
Question 3: I would like to incorporate location error into my locations. I reviewed the telemetry
error paper and the tutorial with turtle and pelican data, but I'm still unclear how to incorporate location error using the error columns provided by the tag manufacturer (Wildlife Computers). Can you please provide guidance with this step?
I am hoping that once I have brought in the data as a telemetry object and incorporated the location error, I should be able to follow the Guide to autocorrelated home range estimation.
Thanks for your help!