Based on discussions with CUK members in West Oxon, CUK Witney have decided to trial a
ride out twice a month, on the 2nd and 4th Thursday for 2019. The rides will be along the
informal lines that Witney currently use to organise their Sunday ride out. The destination
and duration for the day will be decided at coffee based on the weather and the level of
enthusiasm on the day. The thinking is that these rides will compliment rather than compete
with the popular CUK Oxfordshire Midweek group that ride out on a Wednesday.
The first meet on Thurs the 14th March will depart from Hunters Café in Witney at 10.30hrs,
thereafter (until Oct) the meeting point for the first ride of the month will be at Cogges Farm
Museum Café. For the second ride of the month the coffee venues will mirror the Thursday
meets published in the Oxford Cyclist. You can also access these via CUK Oxfordshire
Midweek's web site.