CTC 3D Printer Problem

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Electro Modder

Jun 10, 2016, 5:18:41 AM6/10/16
to ctc3dp...@googlegroups.com

Hello everyone,

I bought the CTC Dual 3D Printer a couple weeks ago and have managed to get some nice prints from it. Here is an example of a successful 8 hour print:

However, just this morning, I tried to start another print... when it gradually stopped extruding half-way through the first layer... then it started again... then it stopped again... by the second layer, it looked like it wasn't extruding at all anymore. This is what it looks like:

I can't think it would be a temperature or settings issue since I haven't changed anything since the last successful print. The extruder temperature is set at 230 degrees with the original thermistor, and I am printing ABS.

Has anyone else had a similar problem, and what do you think would be the most likely culprit? Thanks in advance! I'll give any more details if needed.


adam paul

Jun 10, 2016, 12:23:34 PM6/10/16
to CTC3Dprinters
Make sure your pre heating nozzle and bed before leveling. You appear to be trammed a little high, meaning you need to increase the gap between the bed and nozzle, ie less friction on your paper or a thicker feeler gauge.

Electro Modder

Jun 12, 2016, 7:53:16 PM6/12/16
to CTC3Dprinters
Thanks, I levelled the bed a bit and tested again, it printed successfully this time... I think it might've been that the extruder wore away the filament inside the nozzle, I just manually fed it through some more, which seemed to start it extruding properly again. Thanks for the help though, I think I was extruding too high as well.

adam paul

Jun 12, 2016, 9:58:24 PM6/12/16
to CTC3Dprinters
The skirt is the device which ensures the nozzle is primed correctly.

If you look at just the extrusion on the skirt you will see irregularities in the shape, thickness and width. The corners are more round raised noodle while the center front is squeezed down, flattened and almost split into two pieces. That flat part of the skirt coincides with your extrude issues. A simple case of to too much back pressure.

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