Notes From wed 12/8 meeting

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amber smith

Dec 9, 2010, 4:51:08 PM12/9/10
In order to get paid from the sale you must fill out a form that gaby has. There is a specific way to fill it out, if you have not filled out the form see gaby. Thursday night 12/9 is the holiday sale clean up starting at 5. You must pick up your work thursday night, anything left will be donated to sell at the cup sale or auction. Majors who are in Art History can pick up their work before 5 so take down can commence when class is in session. Please if you are on the clean up crew be there and on time.

The ceramic galleries have some work and stuff in them if you have anything in those galleries please take care of it. The galleries are needed for finals next week. 

CLEAN UP IS MANDATORY! Everyone must be at clean up on saturday dec. 18th starting at 9 am, plan on it taking the whole day. Clean up can only be missed for serious reasons only. If you must miss it then you need to talk to jason to get alternative clean up duties. Clean up is very important, we are very lucky here to have the facility that we have and we must take care of it. For health reasons it is also important that we keep our studio clean.

One of the photography lights was broken recently or was improperly handled over time. When things break it is important to tell tony so it can be dealt with.

Tony next semester is going on sabbatical, he will be busy working on things for shows and commissions. Even though tony will be on sabbatical he is the only full time faculty member and will have to deal with certain aspects of the department still. He will still be available to talk to but the best way to contact him or ask him questions will be through email. He is great at responding to emails in a timely manner, so simply email him.

Alyson Iwamoto

Dec 10, 2010, 4:07:11 AM12/10/10
I probably had a few small things that didnt sell in the sale like necklaces & ornaments. I was not aware until i got ur email now about picking up work that didn't sell. I've been super busy prepping to sell at "unique l.a." this weekend. Is there anyway to get them fri? I'm sorry to bother u but I'm almost out of time for this sale.
Thanx, alyson

Sent from my iPhone

Mary Beierle

Mar 7, 2011, 6:53:57 PM3/7/11
Hi All,

We will be having a general Potter's Guild Meeting at noon on Wednesday.

Reminder: Wednesday at 7 pm, Tim Berg will giving a talk.  We will have cookies and tea afterwards.


Mary Beierle

Mar 9, 2011, 4:09:19 PM3/9/11
to Mary Beierle,
Meeting Notes:

Visiting artist: tonight, 7 pm with tea and cookies.

Art Auction:

If you may be receiving scholarship money, please fill out form.  Talk to Gaby.

We will have a studio clean-up day for the auction on Wednesday, Thursday, March 30-31.

March 18, Friday a trip to Scripps Annual and to see the Fred Marer Collection

April 6th, 5 pm lecture and potluck to follow.  Sign-up in the BFA room or talk to Sarah - Ben Jackel

April 18th, Monday.  5 pm lecture with bread and cheese.  Doug Blechner

April 25 - 28 9:30 - 5:30.  Cup Sale.  If enough funds are made in Auction, we will cancel cup sale so you can get back to your own work.

April 27, 5 pm lecture and potluck ???  tba  Fonda Yoshimoto

Jobs need to be done.  If you can't do your job for some reason, talk to Chris Miller.

People are leaving their dishes and pots in the sink.  They will be thrown away!!!!

People are leaving their work on push carts.  Take it off and put on bricks.

Work must be off of shelves in the Super Hero  and Auto Yards.  The shelves in those areas will are going to be moved out and the pizza event will be in that area.  

End of semester clean-up will be  May 21 and 22.  Work must be gone by Friday, May 20 - it cannot be stored outside.  Your space should be organized and mopped.  
ion, April 2.  All are invited to donated work.

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