Features Request

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2008年12月4日 凌晨12:52:052008/12/4
收件者:CSS Visual Effects
1. Ability to add URLs to the images
2. Ability to add a Caption that only appeared for the current
centered image
3. Ability to choose from a few different transitions when clicking to
enlarge : flip horiz (currently does this), no flip, fullscreen, etc.
Make it easy to set these predefined effects with simple js vars.
4. Ability to link arrays together : for instance the last image in an
array of 10 images could say "Next 10 images". etc
5. ??? ...

I cannot work on any of these till the xmas holidays between Dec/Jan.
I am also not a js guru but can do some things. I can polish working
examples and make them better. If you have excellent JS chops, please
take a look at the Zflow.js and see what you are able to do.

thanks !!! Comments are encouraged.


2008年12月17日 下午6:29:022008/12/17
收件者:CSS Visual Effects
Hi everyone, I've been really busy at work to work on adding features,
but should have a little more time after the holidays (~first week
January) to at least help integrate and approve patches / project

I'm glad everyone here is excited about this stuff, I'm excited to see
what you all come up with!


Brent E

2008年12月17日 晚上8:29:262008/12/17
Hey Charles !!!  Fantastic to hear from you.  Glad you are still steering the ship.  I will also be available around that time to help.

thanks - Brnete

From: Charles <charle...@gmail.com>
To: CSS Visual Effects <css...@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Wednesday, December 17, 2008 3:29:02 PM
Subject: Re: Features Request
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