Rendering issues with IE11 and high resolution laptops

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Kon AtWhiteSky

Mar 5, 2014, 3:10:12 AM3/5/14
I posted these two questions on the CodeProject site for this web browser control.  We're using the original 2007 code and are seeing rendering issues related to using IE and other separate rendering issues related to using newer high resolution laptops.  Any guidance would be appreciated... thanks!

We've been using this code for some time, and we've been experiencing general issues when IE11 is installed on a user's system, where certain websites either don't render correctly or don't function correctly. These same issues are typically not present in IE11 itself, and are only present in this custom web browser on a system that has IE11 installed. Is there a way to allow this custom control to behave like IE11 itself and have the redundancy that IE11 has for properly rendering web pages?

We're now seeing a new issue that occurs on newer extremely high resolution screen laptops - this web browser control is rendering the pages in a way where they appear small and disproportional. Internet Explorer itself renders the pages just fine but similarly to the last question we posted this custom web control does not seem to be working as Internet Explorer does and manifests these rendering issues. Is there an update or a newer version of this wrapper code available that can help alleviate these issues?

Rob Montanaro

Mar 25, 2014, 8:17:02 PM3/25/14
Look into the browser compatibility settings.  There are two ways.  By registry and by setting a meta tag. We have had to set our browser for IE8/7 to fix some issues. We've only tried the registry method so far.

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