Winter Storage

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Nov 7, 2007, 10:29:38 AM11/7/07
Many of us store our cars in unheated locations over the winter,
myself included. Here are a few things you might consider doing prior
to putting your cars away...

* Loosen body mounting screws to allow the shell to expand and
contract, this may prevent cracking of the shell or paint.

* Give your spindles a ral healthy dose of vasoline, or grease then
wrap them to prevent rust build up. The same vasoline or grease
packing can be done for the brake stem, and Kingpin mounts.

* Loosen the steering and brake cables,

* On older floor boards and new ones for that matter, an application
of Tung oil or another water repellant oil will help protect
floorboard from drying out or absorbing mositure over the winter.

* given your wheels/bearings a heavy lubing and store in a dry

If you plan to hang your car do so upside down supporting the weight
from a point as close to the body or floor board as possible. Try to
suspend the car at the front, middle and back, to prevent warping of
the floorboard.

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