Should conveyors convey on every phase? Or just on certain phases?
This is how I thought it worked:
Phase 1: robots move
Phase 2: pushers push, express conveyors convey 1
Phase 3: express conveyors convey 1, conveyors convey 1, lasers pulse
Phase 4: pusher push again, lasers pulse
Phase 5: flags are tallied, repairs done, archives updated
new round, start over again at phase 1
With orders of priority within each phase to determine if a conveyor goes before a laser, etc.
-jon strawn
All of those things should happen every phase. Well... almost all of
those things. There are certain pushers that may go off on just odd
phases or even phases. Or cards which cause special events during a
specific phase. In general, every thing should happen ever phase based
on the priority of the RallyEvent.
Does that help? If not, email me directly (not the group) with your SVN
url so I can take a look at your code.