Lab Grades and Milestone 2

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Ryan Crow

Apr 22, 2011, 3:53:35 PM4/22/11
to CS251-spr2011

Looks like I have only received grades and comments back from the
first two labs and the first programming assignment. I hate to
pressure the already overworked TAs but it would be nice to know what
we have been doing wrong so we can fix our mistakes in subsequent
labs, exams, and future work. Specifically it seems like comments from
lab 5 would be very helpful for the current assignment.

Speaking of that, what exactly are we supposed to do for Milestone 2?
Do we just implement the 6 new tiles and finish the BasicRobot class.
It would be helpful if someone could remind me as to what all the
tiles are supposed to do. While the others are pretty self explanatory
I can't remember exactly what the gear tile does. The flag tile just
sets an archive point, right? Does the RepairStationTile repair the
robot instantaneously or does it occur at some rate? At little
direction would be helpful!


John Donahue

Apr 22, 2011, 4:08:47 PM4/22/11
Sorry Ryan, that's my fault.  I took on a bit too much this semester and haven't been a very diligent TA.  I guess I still have something to learn about time management.  

I have some raw scores for all the stuff you turned in but I haven't had a chance to give any detailed feedback.  I'll mail those to you off of the group.


Joseph Collard

Apr 22, 2011, 4:12:13 PM4/22/11

> Looks like I have only received grades and comments back from the
> first two labs and the first programming assignment. I hate to
> pressure the already overworked TAs but it would be nice to know what
> we have been doing wrong so we can fix our mistakes in subsequent
> labs, exams, and future work. Specifically it seems like comments from
> lab 5 would be very helpful for the current assignment.
The TAs will get this done ASAP. Sorry for the delay.

> Speaking of that, what exactly are we supposed to do for Milestone 2?
> Do we just implement the 6 new tiles and finish the BasicRobot class.
> It would be helpful if someone could remind me as to what all the
> tiles are supposed to do. While the others are pretty self explanatory
> I can't remember exactly what the gear tile does. The flag tile just
> sets an archive point, right? Does the RepairStationTile repair the
> robot instantaneously or does it occur at some rate? At little
> direction would be helpful!

In Eclipse, select from the top menu: Window -> Show View -> Tasks.
This should open a tab containing the TODO comments from ALL open
projects. If you close all but the Group Project there should be 29
tasks. Your job is to complete all of these. Many of them *should*
already be done as they were apart of Lab 6. If someone in your group
did this lab you are welcome to copy them over as complete. In class we
have discussed all of the tiles and their functionality. However, it has
been some time since this happened. Because of that, I highly recommend
reviewing the rule book for RoboRally. You can find this here:

Hope this helps!


Ryan Crow

Apr 22, 2011, 5:09:03 PM4/22/11

Thanks for the rule book link! That helps a lot!

Ryan Crow
PhD Candidate
University of New Mexico
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences
1 University of New Mexico
Albuquerque, New Mexico 87131-0001
Cell: 505 688-9333
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