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[ANN] Crystal 0.21.0 released!

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Matías García Isaía

Feb 21, 2017, 1:39:19 PM2/21/17
Crystal 0.21.0 has been released!

This release brings many bugfixes, with some additions to the standard library and a bit of cleanup in the standard API.

- The compiler now reuses previous macro run compilations so {{ run(...) }} is only re-run if the code changes
- String can now hold invalid UTF-8 byte sequences, and they produce a unicode replacement character when traversed
- Slice can now be read-only
- Added HTTP::Multipart and HTTP::FormData (thanks @RX14)

Also, the contributing guidelines have been updated - please check the file in the repository.

As always, refer to the changelog for the complete list of changes.

Happy crystalling!

Roger Pack

Feb 22, 2017, 7:03:18 PM2/22/17
to Crystal

On Tuesday, February 21, 2017 at 11:39:19 AM UTC-7, Matías García Isaía wrote:
Crystal 0.21.0 has been released!

This release brings many bugfixes, with some additions to the standard library and a bit of cleanup in the standard API.

- The compiler now reuses previous macro run compilations so {{ run(...) }} is only re-run if the code changes
- String can now hold invalid UTF-8 byte sequences, and they produce a unicode replacement character when traversed
- Slice can now be read-only
- Added HTTP::Multipart and HTTP::FormData (thanks @RX14)

  • Added String#scrub and String#valid_encoding?

Awesome, I actually reached for those exact two just last week, now I can sweet.
As a note, I'm seeing that sometimes changes to ".ecr" files I use in a kemal projects aren't seeing updates "take" is that related I wonder? It's odd sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't (before, I thought it always did...).
Thanks all!
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