book release: Programming Crystal

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Simon St.Laurent

Feb 11, 2019, 12:26:59 PM2/11/19
to, Ivo Balbaert
I'm delighted to announce that Programming Crystal, written by Ivo Balbaert and myself, is now available in print as well as electronically:

We tried to keep the book accessible to a broad audience, assuming programming knowledge but not Ruby mastery.   We provide a broad overview of how to apply the language, with special attention given to Crystal's strong interest in type safety.  Ivo interviewed companies working with Crystal today, and their stories at the end of each chapter give real-world context to a very new language.

It's brief - 226 pages - and we hope it will be a solid introduction for anyone approaching the language.

Thank you all for creating and sustaining Crystal!

Simon St.Laurent

Yves Cloutier

Mar 10, 2019, 7:42:12 PM3/10/19
to Crystal
I saw this earlier and wanted to comment but I guess I didn't.

I ordered this book while in Beta and probably one of the first to get the paperback.

Great book, very accessible and provides a great overview of the language features, along with great examples.

Great work.

Serguei Cambour

Mar 10, 2019, 10:06:16 PM3/10/19
to Crystal
Just finished reading it, - that was a real pleasure. Thank you so much the book !!!
The only "bémol", as for every young language, is poor libraries (compared to rubygems for example or npm packages), but I hope it to be just a question of time.
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