- Is this mailing list dead? - 2 Updates
"Enrico Thierbach" <e...@open-lab.org>: Sep 04 02:36PM +0200
In a way this is bad. I do understand that it might be good to have
discussions on a website, so people can actually find it on the web; but
as a subscriber I used to feel informed about what is going on
w/crystal, and this is now gone.
Maybe you could consider to send out a daily email digest or something
similar? Maybe you do already, but on a different list?
Thank you,
me at github: https://github.com/radiospiel
me at linked.in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/radiospiel
On 25 Jul 2019, at 16:15, Ary Borenszweig wrote:
Ary Borenszweig <aste...@gmail.com>: Sep 04 05:37AM -0700
Hi! You can create an account on the forums and in settings -> emails you
can enable "mailing list mode". Then every new post there will result in an
email sent to you. It's exactly the same as these forums. I use it like
that and I never miss a thing.
On Wednesday, September 4, 2019 at 9:36:11 AM UTC-3, Enrico Thierbach wrote:
You received this digest because you're subscribed to updates for this group. You can change your settings on the group membership page.
To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it send an email to crystal-lang...@googlegroups.com.
Peter Cooper does have a crystal news letter.You may want to sign up for that
He also does the ruby weekly and a JavaScript one