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Successful porting on Window CE Done

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Ugo Chirico

Dec 14, 2007, 9:05:55 AM12/14/07
to Crypto++ Users
Hello folks,

I successfully ported Crypto++ 5.5.2 on Windows CE and specifically on
Windows Mobile Smartphone 2005 and Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2005. The
porting on earlier platforms is really very easy.

I just sent the patched files to Mr. Wey Dai which will probably add
the patch in the next release.

For more info about that contact me from my web site:


Ugo Chirico

Ugo Chirico

Jan 2, 2008, 7:38:11 PM1/2/08
to Crypto++ Users

Waiting for the official release in one of the next versions of Crypto+
+ and answering to several requests I received in the past days, I
thought to publish the patch for Windows Mobile 2005.

Mainly I added a .vcproj file for Visual Studio 2005 which allows
compiling as dll or as static library, for Windows Mobile Smartphone
2005 and Windows Mobile Pocket PC 2005 (compiling for earlier
platforms is also really very very simple).
X86 asm must be disabled therefore the compilation must be performed
setting the macro CRYPTOPP_DISABLE_X86ASM.
The other changes mainly concerns what WinCE supports.
I used the macro WINCE set by the compiler and I added a new macro
CRYPTOPP_WINCE_AVAILABLE which is used with almost the same meaning as
Finally the system functions time and clock are not available in WinCE
so I added an 'ad hoc' implementation for WinCE. The only dubt I have
concerns the intrinsic functions _rotl8 _rotl16 _rotr8 _rotr16. WinCE
supports only _rotl and _rotr therefore I refefined the formers as the
latters. I think it would work.

To compile Crypto++ 5.5.2 for windows mobile 2005 you must:
1) download Crypto++ 5.5.2 from
2) download the patch for WM 2005 from
3) copy the files contained in the patch in the folder where you have
Crypto++ 5.5.2
4) open the file cryptppwm.vcproj from Visual Studio 2005.

Ugo Chirico

Feb 12, 2008, 8:57:14 AM2/12/08
to Crypto++ Users
Hi all again,

I made some little changes on my patch for Windows Mobile 2005.
Mainly such changes are related to random number generation and
CryptoAPI support on Windows CE

The new patch is available at the following url:
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