Hi All,
CFAIL, The Conference for Failed Approaches and Insightful Losses in Cryptology, will hold its fourth edition this year as an affiliated (hybrid) event to Crypto 2022. CFAIL's goal is to share insights and build a collective experience within the cryptographic community about how and why good ideas sometimes fail, and what we can learn from those failures.
Original contributions in all fields of cryptology are sought detailing currently unsuccessful but insightful attempts to:
Prove or disprove a conjecture,
Design or break a cryptographic algorithm,
Simplify a cryptographic algorithm or concept,
Implement a cryptosystem,
Formulate a new security definition or reduction,
Systemize a collection of ad-hoc attacks,
Or any other task that is part of the practice of theoretical or applied cryptology, broadly construed.
Do you have insightful and exciting work sitting in a drawer somewhere because it never quite panned out or are you willing to share the series of failed attempts you went through before reaching a successful result?
Submission deadline: May 1, 2022, 23:59 AoE
Notification deadline: June 15, 2022
Conference: August, 13, 2022
Website: https://www.cfail.org/call-for-papers