end of the last multilinear map?

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D. J. Bernstein

Oct 28, 2015, 2:22:40 PM10/28/15
to cryptanalyti...@googlegroups.com
In https://eprint.iacr.org/2015/1037, Coron describes a "cryptanalysis
of the GGH15 graph-induced multilinear maps from lattices". Apparently
"cryptanalysis" here means a very fast, very reliable attack.

Are all multilinear-map proposals broken now?


Christopher J Peikert

Oct 28, 2015, 2:50:10 PM10/28/15
to cryptanalytic-algorithms
It depends on what problem you want to be hard -- i.e., what assumption you want to make about the MLM.

All "direct" constructions of multi-partite key agreement from MLMs are broken.  That is, the multi-party analogue of the Diffie-Hellman assumption is false for all MLM candidates to date.

However, many proposed obfuscators based on MLMs still remain unbroken.  In short, this is because the key-agreement attacks exploit public "low-level encodings of zero," but obfuscators don't give out such encodings (at least not directly).

Whether the attacks can be extended to work against obfuscators is obviously a very important question...


D. J. Bernstein

Feb 26, 2016, 10:19:25 PM2/26/16
to cryptanalyti...@googlegroups.com
Christopher J Peikert writes:
> Whether the attacks can be extended to work against obfuscators is obviously a
> very important question...

A new paper says that it presents "the first polynomial-time
cryptanalysis of candidate iO schemes over GGH13":


It's not immediately obvious to me what the attack algorithm does to,
e.g., GGH13-based point obfuscation, or what its performance might be
against the 25-gigabyte point-obfuscation challenge that Apon, Huang,
Katz, and Malozemoff announced at the Crypto 2014 rump session. The
current speed record for attacks is our paper


which broke the challenge in 19 minutes using 21 PCs.

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