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Service discovering not working for others namespaces

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Ludovic Bertin

Nov 24, 2021, 11:02:47 AM11/24/21
to Cryostat Development List

i'm currently testing Cryostat on Openshift 4.8.
It works well if I create an application inside the same namespace.
But any application created in another namespace is not discovered.

Is there any special config to be made to activate all-namespaces discovery ?

Thanks in advance for your help

Elliott Baron

Nov 26, 2021, 10:34:29 AM11/26/21
to Ludovic Bertin, Cryostat Development List
Hi Ludo,

On 2021-11-24 6:00 a.m., Ludovic Bertin wrote:
> Hi,
> i'm currently testing Cryostat on Openshift 4.8.
> It works well if I create an application inside the same namespace.
> But any application created in another namespace is not discovered.
> Is there any special config to be made to activate all-namespaces
> discovery ?

Currently, Cryostat can only discover and communicate with pods in its
own namespace. The only solution would be to deploy Cryostat in each
namespace you wish to use it in.

There's definitely merit in expanding Cryostat's capabilities to work
with multiple or all namespaces in the cluster. We haven't done this yet
because it introduces security concerns if the cluster is a multi-tenant
one. We'll keep this request in mind for feature planning in the future


Chandra Oruganty

Oct 31, 2022, 9:24:00 AM10/31/22
to Cryostat Development List
Hi Elliott,
I just now watched the youtube video posted last october. We are on ROSA 4.10 and we want to deploy cryostat 2.1. Is it now possible to discover Java applications installed in other namespaces?

Andrew Azores

Oct 31, 2022, 10:59:06 AM10/31/22
to Chandra Oruganty, Cryostat Development List
Hi Chandra,

On 2022-10-31 09:23, Chandra Oruganty wrote:
> Hi Elliott,
> I just now watched the youtube video posted last october. We are on ROSA
> 4.10 and we want to deploy cryostat 2.1. Is it now possible to discover
> Java applications installed in other namespaces?
> Thanks,
> Chandra

This is not yet fully implemented but there is a possible manual
workaround path with some caveats. You can follow along this upstream
issue to track development:

If you're interested in the workaround path with Cryostat 2.2 (releasing
in the coming weeks) I can help walk you through that. Otherwise, I
anticipate that this will be fully implemented for Cryostat 2.3 which is
targeted for May 2023.

Andrew Azores
Principal Software Engineer, Java Monitoring
Red Hat Canada

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