Re: ContainerJFR - help needed!

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Andrew Azores

Jun 3, 2021, 1:37:51 PM6/3/21
to Pablo Sebastian Martinez,

Hi Pablo,

(I'm also cc-ing our upstream development mailing list - let's continue the conversation on that list)

On 2021-06-03 13:11, Pablo Sebastian Martinez wrote:

Hi Andrew


Nice to meet you, I’m Pablo from Amdocs Israel branch


I saw your tutorial on Container JFR on OpenShift cluster for JFR recording


I’m trying to define same on OCP 4 cluster for openJDK11 based applications

Managed to deploy the Cryostat operator + CR instance + managed to record for the same POD

Just for clarity here, "managed to record for the same pod" - you're referring to creating a recording within Cryostat itself?

My issue comes when trying to listen to other cluster PODs. Exposed for them a jfr-jmx port and the pod is visible in the Cryostat dashboard

When I try to record for it I get the following exception: Network is unreachable (connect failed)


Caused by: org.openjdk.jmc.rjmx.ConnectionException: Could not connect to remote target service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://


Following are the java options I added on my application

I’m struggling with this few days, any help/hint will be appreciated :-)

Just in case I’m attaching the Cryostat CR POD log




Thanks a lot in advance!

Pablo Martinez

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Could you describe for us the cluster you are using? ie. how many nodes are in the cluster, are Cryostat and your other application pod assigned to the same node, if the service URL's IP address ( looks like an expected IP address for your application pod, etc.

Chris Mah

Feb 23, 2022, 10:29:30 AM2/23/22
to Cryostat Development List
Hey Pablo,

Hope you're doing well! Wanted to close the loop on this- the issue was related to disabling It is now fixed in version "2.0.0+6.1643302967.p" and can be installed using OperatorHub in the OpenShift Console. Let us know if you have further questions!


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