Is it normal to get dry eyes after the anti vegf injection?

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Jeffrey Lai

Mar 5, 2024, 3:57:01 PM3/5/24
to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion Support
is this normal? I know getting blood clot on the eye after the injection is normal, now i am on day 5 and the blood clot is still there, mine is usually within the day it disappear....

now i am wondering why is my eye feel so dry.... day 5 of my injection... this is not my 1st time having the injection, it is like number 8 times?

Susan Jula

Mar 5, 2024, 5:40:06 PM3/5/24
Are you using artificial teardrops after getting the injection?  My doctor always gives me free samples of the artificial teardrops after each injection.  I use them throughout the day once I get back home, then rest my eyes by taking a nap or just resting.  

Here’s a tip for you that may help.  I had a cataract in my non-CRVO eye.  For the seven days leading up to my appointment for the eye measurement for the lens I was going to get at the time of my surgery, I was instructed to use artificial tears in both eyes, 6 times a day, for each of the seven days.  I asked the technician doing the measurements why I needed to use the artificial tears like that, and she said a dry eye doesn’t give a good measurement for the lens.  Afterwards I had to get an Eylea injection in my CRVO eye, & the tech said that I would notice a big difference in the comfort level, due to using the tears like that.    She was right.  So now a week before my injection appointment I use the tears 3 times a day for the seven days.  Since I’ve been doing this I noticed it really helps.  I still use the tears once I get home, but I find that I don’t need to use them as much as I did before. Hope this bit of info can help you too. 

Susan Jula

On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 10:57 AM Jeffrey Lai <> wrote:
is this normal? I know getting blood clot on the eye after the injection is normal, now i am on day 5 and the blood clot is still there, mine is usually within the day it disappear....

now i am wondering why is my eye feel so dry.... day 5 of my injection... this is not my 1st time having the injection, it is like number 8 times?

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Susan Jula

Mar 5, 2024, 5:45:42 PM3/5/24
Correction- it was my CRVO eye that had the cataract.  It’ll be 3 years since I had the cataract surgery.  I guess that’s why I couldn’t remember!  It all went very well.  I do have a cataract forming now in my non CRVO eye.  Next week I have an appointment with the surgeon for a glare test.  He’s checking to see if it’s time to do the surgery or not.  Sorry for the confusion.

Susan Jula

On Tue, Mar 5, 2024 at 10:57 AM Jeffrey Lai <> wrote:
is this normal? I know getting blood clot on the eye after the injection is normal, now i am on day 5 and the blood clot is still there, mine is usually within the day it disappear....

now i am wondering why is my eye feel so dry.... day 5 of my injection... this is not my 1st time having the injection, it is like number 8 times?


Jeffrey Lai

Mar 6, 2024, 10:40:38 AM3/6/24
Thanks Susan for the tips. When you had CRVO, did you start to consume lutein?

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On 6 Mar 2024, at 01:45, Susan Jula <> wrote:

Susan Jula

Mar 6, 2024, 12:53:48 PM3/6/24

I started taking a daily multi vitamin that contains 300 mg of Lutein 7 months prior to getting the CRVO.   I still take the multi vitamin daily. 

Susan Jula

Jeffrey Lai

Mar 6, 2024, 2:17:28 PM3/6/24
to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion Support
So lutein would not help to prevent cataract... i am now 44, so would like to protect my good eye till my death bed.... which is long way to go and I am very worried that the healthy eye may not be able to last that long,,,

Susan Jula

Mar 6, 2024, 3:08:20 PM3/6/24
Cataracts are quite common as people age.  The surgery to remove them is usually performed quickly and successfully.  I have healthy friends who had cataract surgeries and they are doing fine.  I had a cataract in my CRVO eye and I thought how much trauma can one eye take?  I was worried, but my cataract surgeon is one of the best in this field.  He works with my RS at the same clinic.  I had no complications at all.  I healed perfectly.  No bleeding.  I followed his instructions strictly and kept all my appointments.  

Susan Jula

Jeffrey Lai

Mar 6, 2024, 3:47:55 PM3/6/24
But what is the point of having the cataracts replaced for the crvo eye where in the first place, the vision is like almost zero? It would not make much difference in vision right? Unless the crvo is like brvo which only small spot is impacted then it’s ok. 

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On 6 Mar 2024, at 23:08, Susan Jula <> wrote:

Susan Jula

Mar 6, 2024, 3:57:55 PM3/6/24
My vision in my CRVO eye wasn’t at zero , it started out at 20/80 at the onset of the CRVO.  With the Eylea shots it’s been pretty stable at between 20/30-20/35.  Believe me when I tell you that before the surgery my eyesight in that eye was terrible, due to not only the crvo but the clouded lens.  Glare really bothered me.  When the surgery was over and I was able to sit up, the vision that I have left in that eye was immediately crystal clear.  Even the blurred areas were better.  If someone has zero vision in their CRVO & also has a cataract it’s best to see what the surgeon says about that.  

Susan Jula

Lois Wang

Mar 6, 2024, 3:58:49 PM3/6/24
What is the name of the surgery? 

Susan Jula

Mar 6, 2024, 3:59:58 PM3/6/24

We are discussing cataract surgery in an eye with CRVO.  

Susan Jula

martin miyata

Mar 6, 2024, 4:21:48 PM3/6/24
Can any one comment if they’ve had cataract surgery and length of recovery on the good eye (w/CRVO in other eye)? I guess for a few days your overall vision (both eyes) would be blurry?  

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On Mar 6, 2024, at 4:59 PM, Susan Jula <> wrote:

Susan Jula

Mar 6, 2024, 4:33:37 PM3/6/24

I’ve had cataract surgery in my CRVO & will be needing surgery in my good eye at some point.  You shouldn’t have blurred vision in the eye post surgery.  It will be crystal clear immediately.  This was my experience in my crvo eye, where my good spots cleared up immediately, and also from friends and family who don’t have crvo but had cataract surgery.

Susan Jula

Marlys L

Mar 7, 2024, 2:04:27 AM3/7/24
to Central Retinal Vein Occlusion Support
I wanted to comment on the dry eye question.  Ever since I had my BRVO (April 1, 2011) and the subsequent 4 Avastin, two laser sessions, and many many RS visits with dilating and checks I have had very dry eye but only in the BRVO eye.  I've had two RSs and a regular eye doctor and asked each one about having dry eye in the BRVO eye and each says it's unusual and they can't explain it.  For me, it is not just after an injection (as I've not had injections since Dec. 2011) or after an RS visit, but rather it seems to be related more to the weather.  My eye feels "stuck" or "sticky" when it's so dry.  I wondered how many other people with RVO has continuing dry eye in the RVO eye but not in the other eye.  Doctors feel it's unusual but I wonder whether it really is.  Thanks,

Diane Harrell

Mar 7, 2024, 1:42:30 PM3/7/24
Beginning in early winter, I developed an irritated/burning sensation in both eyes (brvo in one, cataract surgery in the other) which artificial tears only slightly calmed down.  We use a woodstove for heat, but also run humidifiers.  I just felt we needed more humidity (our climate is very dry), so placed an open pot of water on the woodstove and refilled it daily.  No more unhappy eyes!
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If evolution really works, how come mothers only have two hands?
~Milton Berle

Amanda Woodier

Mar 7, 2024, 2:17:05 PM3/7/24
Hi all fellow sufferers,
After having a CRVO in 18 months ago and ongoing eyelea injections when needed I to have very dry sore eyes which all the eye consultants just shrugs their shoulders however went to another consultant with my yearly glaucoma check which is fine...phew, but he did say I have blepharitis which causes all the dry and sore eyes, I just bath my eyes and use warm eye masks to keep the oil moving in my eyelids, apparently nothing to do with the treatments we have all gone through.

Love to you all with this very misunderstood condition...especially Fay x

Faye White

Mar 7, 2024, 8:54:26 PM3/7/24
Amanda just saw your post..that was sweet..thank you..

I had cataract surgery on my bad eye (right eye), the vision before was 20/200 and saw no better after the surgery. Then I had the YAG on the same eye (due to debris) on the same eye 3 years later. 

I also had cataract surgery on my left eye (at the same time as my right eye, like 2 weeks later) that is when the CRVO happened to the left eye,. 
Sometime later within that 3-year span i had laser to help stop the bleeding. 

In the last 3 months my vision has deteriorated significantly where I cannot even see the faces on a 65 in TV, they are now just a blur.

I knew going into surgery that blindness was a possibility, but in our case's, we do what we think is best for us, and sometimes it turns out not so good. 
We deal with the fact we may go blind at any time with this condition as I have.

Wishing all the best for all of us with this condition.

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From: <> on behalf of Amanda Woodier <>
Sent: Thursday, March 7, 2024 8:16:49 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: [CRVO] Is it normal to get dry eyes after the anti vegf injection?

Amanda Woodier

Mar 7, 2024, 9:20:43 PM3/7/24
Hi Faye with an e, sorry...
I have struggled with this awful condition and indeed had a break down, tried everything to help to come to terms with it mentally, faith healers, mindfulness, hypnotherapy, acupuncture but nothing seems to help, so I just keep praying and hopefully he will listen to me and give us all a break and you will be top of my thoughts and prayers from now on, finding inspiration from people who are going through a hard time is all I can do and I've been inspired by you and your bravery...thank you x 🙏

Jeffrey Lai

Mar 8, 2024, 1:24:09 PM3/8/24
Sorry to hear that Faye... from your sentence, looks like the cataract surgery causes your good eye to get CRVO and now both your eyes are so bad..... 
what is your vision on your left eye? 20/200 also?

I am getting more worry as more n more of us are having 2 eyes CRVO!!!!

Thanks & Regards,
Jeffrey Lai

Faye White

Mar 8, 2024, 2:02:50 PM3/8/24
No the vision was bad I wore trifocals before (I had been wearing bifocals since I was 23 I am now 63)but in answer to your question my vision with correction was like 20/40, without like 20/100 just not sure. The right eye had a lens put in just for looks it had no power in it.

I pray that we see the best we can with this condition, for as long as we can.

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From: <> on behalf of Jeffrey Lai <>
Sent: Friday, March 8, 2024 7:23:54 AM

Jeffrey Lai

Mar 8, 2024, 3:41:51 PM3/8/24
Got what you meant. I think when I do my glasses next time. I will get my left side to not put any degree in it, as the vision is like 20/200 but I would need to hunt for the letter…. Doesn’t make any sense to spend any money to make the lens for my crvo eye…. Plus mine is high astigmatism which cost much more than normal lens. 
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On 8 Mar 2024, at 22:02, Faye White <> wrote:

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Susan Jula

Mar 8, 2024, 5:25:20 PM3/8/24

Not sure if you mentioned this before, but regarding your non CRVO eye - has it taken over as the dominant eye?  That’s how mine is.  With both of my eyes open I wouldn’t know I had a CRVO.  My vision reading in my CRVO eye isn’t as bad as yours.  Mine is around 20/35 with my glasses on.  So I still have my prescription lenses like I always had and I can see perfectly.  I too have astigmatism but not sure what degree of astigmatism I have.

Susan Jula

Jeffrey Lai

Mar 9, 2024, 1:09:14 AM3/9/24
When my both eyes are opened, I will know that my crvo eye is there, as my vision in my crvo has a dark patches all over the screen. Crvo vision is 20/200 and I would need a while to tell what is the character. :( 
If my crvo can recover till 20/40. I would be more than happy!!! My crvo eye is almost useless as I can’t tell much things from it and only able to tell the outline of an object. 

Even blinking lights in the streets, I would need to stand stationary and focus, then would be able to notice the blinking lights. 

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On 9 Mar 2024, at 01:25, Susan Jula <> wrote:

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