Thanks for the reply Rose. I am doing all the lifestyle things along with the HBOT. He has reversed blindness in a case of eyestroke, thought it was a blockage in the artery of this woman and she woke up blind in that eye. I have to find out if she did the shots or not, didnt sound like it in his account. I will ask Dr. Harch tomorrow. Also trying to make out Johns story, but appears he went off the shots, then on at times, then eventually just using the protocol and was able to restore his sight to 20/40. I am confused as to the mechanism of the anti vegf and wonder why numerous people don't get noticiable improvement, and if the blockage is still there then it seems bleeding would continue even without the neurovascularization that the shots seek to block. As you know they don't explain things in to much detail, and absolutely don't offer hope of lifestyle or hyperbaric, which I asked about. The science behind behind HBOT is quite interesting. It supplies extra oxygen to the cells and plasma thus to the tissues and enhances the bodies healing through turning on genes that promote growth and healing while turning off genes involved in inflammation, so in theory should enhance and aid recovery from basically any insult or injury, and is used in a lot of neurological cases (dementia, autism, stroke, wound healing, co2 poisioning, drowning, TBI and PTSD in vets, etc.) Our Medicare system only has 12 or 13 approved uses and the rest are off label, but Russia and China treat many more conditions, up to 70 or so. I have seen marked improvement after 4 or so rounds, so thinking that the bleeding has stopped or else I don't know that I would be getting improvement, but not sure, another question I will ask Dr. Harch about tomorrow. Lots to learn, Trying to re3ach out to John and ask him some questions, have you ever tried contacting him or his website? Looking for aing else you or others can help with, knowledge is power. Glad to hear you stopped the wine, not sure if that is really that helpful as it is toxic to our cells, and also the sugar and alcohol are both inflammatory which we want to keep at bay. Thanks for the help, happy that you are seeing such success!