Search for an organization by domain name (v3)

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Oct 25, 2015, 5:11:52 PM10/25/15
to crunchbase-api
Hey, everyone.  I'm trying to search for an organization just by it's domain name, and it doesn't seem to work.

I'm using the Organizations endpoint:

When I use the (correct) API key and the domain in the "domain_name" field, it doesn't return any results, even for the most common domain names, like "".  I've tried "" and "", and nothing seems to work.

In my application I'm checking to see if a Crunchbase profile exists for a given URL.  I'd search by name but there are too many startups with names really close to each other, and back in API v1 days found that searching by domain is *far* more reliable in identifying the right profile.

Is there something I'm missing, or do I not understand something about how to search for a profile by domain name in API v3?  I'd appreciate any advice!

Jed Christiansen

Oct 28, 2015, 7:28:24 PM10/28/15
to crunchbase-api
Hi Jed, unfortunately there was a bug and a lot of domain names were missing. Now should be fixed.
As a note, domain name is really unreliable due the fact that a lot of Organizations don't fill that field or put a different domain in their profile.
Search by name should give you better results.
Let me know if you still have problems.


Oct 29, 2015, 6:26:04 PM10/29/15
to crunchbase-api
Thanks for that; I'll try it again.

Unfortunately my history with searching by name is that it's just unreliable without a human filter/selection.  For example, searching "DigitalOcean" vs "Digital Ocean" provides significantly different results.  I'd rather be conservative and get false negatives (no profile returned) than false positives (wrong profile returned).
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