Three UUIDs for the same permalink? seriously?

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Moreno Bonaventura

Nov 6, 2015, 7:51:40 PM11/6/15
to crunchbase-api
Guys, what's wrong with your API?!
The doc says: "Each Person is uniquely identified within the /people namespace by its permalink."

nevertheless there exist three different UUIDs for the nice person/tammy-preisner/

one here: (uuid 3f833e0c4f3faa3edf0dd75be7825cfe)

and two more here:
(uuid db3a0f32eb316df544f8645dc6c933ec) and
(uuid f59492b3ce2190391af4cadbf059264a)

it's insane!

Mykyta Khliestov

Nov 17, 2015, 2:35:40 AM11/17/15
to crunchbase-api
I'm sorry, but what's bothering you? according to the dox, permalink is unique. They didn't say uuid got to be unique (probably, they've got some data duplication inside of their db).

Moreno Bonaventura

Nov 17, 2015, 6:58:18 AM11/17/15
to crunchbase-api
UUID in the CrunchBase API is a globally-unique identifier of a Node across the entire CrunchBase Graph, independent of Node type.

The point is that there exist three different objects all associated to the same permalink "tammy-preisner"
so permalink cannot be defined as unique.

technically speaking it means that they have not defined an uniqueness constraint associated to the node property permalink.
Conversely I believe only the  indexing on the property permalink has been set in the DB

Andrei Fokau

Dec 7, 2015, 8:04:36 AM12/7/15
to crunchbase-api
The first link points now to db3a0f32eb316df544f8645dc6c933ec. I have noticed that CB team merges duplicate persons/organizations so that the same permalink may point to a different UUID later. I believe that's what happened with the first link. 

I have no explanation for the still-existing f59492b3ce2190391af4cadbf059264a though and would really like to get one.


Andrei Fokau

Dec 7, 2015, 8:09:04 AM12/7/15
to crunchbase-api
The both remaining Persons have been created and updated almost at the same time, while the Job relations created/updated at exactly the same time.
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