Can't apply multiple category_uuids in the /organizations endpoint

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Natthakit Khamso

Oct 7, 2015, 11:01:32 AM10/7/15
to crunchbase-api

Oct 7, 2015, 4:09:53 PM10/7/15
to crunchbase-api, Will Kessler
Hello Natthakit, I'm Simone the new API's Engineer.
Recently we did a major redo of our backend behind the api so we did same changes on how filters/facets work.
In particular now filtering is AND'd and no longer OR'd so if your request has that many category_uuids it is very likely to return an empty array of items.
To replicate your query now you need to fire one request for each category_uuids. (example[api_key]).
Also we introduced a full-text-search filter field called categories that let you filter out items without dealing with uuids (example to find organization in Uber's categories,limousines&user_key=[api_key])
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