Bug: A Job is not related to any Person

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Kristjan Roosild

Oct 8, 2015, 3:59:17 PM10/8/15
to crunchbase-api
According to the docs a Job as a relationship with exactly one Organization and exactly one Person. - http://data.crunchbase.com/v3/docs/job

What about these Jobs under the Quantcast board_members_and_advisors relationship

All of them are clearly related to the Quantcast Organization. But who are the people in the Jobs?

 person/david-rosenblatt, person/ken-howery, person/jerome-h-friedman,person/trevor-hastie,person/peter-flint.

What about v3 api? Will it present the names of the people on the jobs before the v2 api closes down?


Oct 9, 2015, 7:40:57 PM10/9/15
to crunchbase-api
A fix was deployed today. 
https://api.crunchbase.com/v/3/organizations/quantcast/board_members_and_advisors now return the person attached to that job.
Let me know if you still have the problem. 
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