v3 API Bug Fixes :: Launched to Production 06/05/2015

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Jun 5, 2015, 2:43:44 PM6/5/15
to crunchb...@googlegroups.com
All -

   Yesterday, June 4th @ 16:19 PDT, we pushed a bunch of bug fixes to our production v3 API. The list of bugs fixed are as follows:

  • CB-4629 : ipo relationship within /organization/:permalink detail returns item: null
  • CB-4630 : board_members_and_advisors relationship is missing from /organizations/:permalink
  • CB-4631 : description is missing from /organizations/:permalink endpoint
  • CB-4632 : /organizations/:permalink/ipos returns a 500 error
  • CB-4633 : funded_organization item is not an "Organization" within /funding-rounds/:uuid endpoint
  • CB-4684 : Investors are not appearing within an InvestorInvestment
  • CB-4704 : /people/:permalink endpoint is missing bio property
  • CB-4706 : past_team relationship is missing from /organizations/:permalink
   You can always stay up-to-date with the status of reported and fixed bugs on our CrunchBase Data Hub at http://data.crunchbase.com/v3/docs/known-bugs


Kurt Freytag
Head of Product

Kristjan Roosild

Oct 6, 2015, 3:39:29 AM10/6/15
to crunchbase-api
I would argue that the CB-4684 : Investors are not appearing within an InvestorInvestment is still not fixed.
The funding round has an Investment relationship, which consist of the Investor items. As you can see, the only relationship with an Investment is funding rounds (open the url above with your user_key or look at the json below).

Your docs (http://data.crunchbase.com/docs/funding-round) refer that funding round should contain an InvestorInvestment relationship (http://data.crunchbase.com/v3/docs/investor-investment), which has also an investors relationship.

"relationships": {
"investments": {
"cardinality": "OneToMany",
"paging": {
"total_items": 1,
"first_page_url": "https://api.crunchbase.com/v/3/funding-rounds/a217ca4f22b388b5d78fae7673b3d4a0/investments",
"sort_order": "created_at DESC"
"items": [
"type": "Investment",
"uuid": "e40708f86713217833fd16365e89bc3a",
"properties": {
"money_invested": null,
"money_invested_currency_code": "USD",
"money_invested_usd": null,
"created_at": 1379943313,
"updated_at": 1412124958
"relationships": {
"funding_round": {
"type": "FundingRound",
"uuid": "a217ca4f22b388b5d78fae7673b3d4a0",
"properties": {
"permalink": "a217ca4f22b388b5d78fae7673b3d4a0",
"api_path": "funding-rounds/a217ca4f22b388b5d78fae7673b3d4a0",
"web_path": "funding-round/a217ca4f22b388b5d78fae7673b3d4a0",
"funding_type": "private_equity",
"series": null,
"series_qualifier": null,
"announced_on": "2013-09-23",
"announced_on_trust_code": 7,
"closed_on": null,
"closed_on_trust_code": null,
"money_raised": 5000000,
"money_raised_currency_code": "EUR",
"money_raised_usd": 6433000,
"target_money_raised": null,
"target_money_raised_currency_code": null,
"target_money_raised_usd": null,
"created_at": 1379943313,
"updated_at": 1398009899
"relationships": {
"funded_organization": {
"type": "Organization",
"uuid": "d7a950bbbbd9bbbf77ac4235c707cb68",
"properties": {
"permalink": "dns-net",
"api_path": "organizations/dns-net",
"web_path": "organization/dns-net",
"name": "DNS:Net",
"also_known_as": null,
"short_description": "DNS:Net provides telecommunication, internet and data-center services that target private and business customers.",
"description": "Established in 1998, DNS:Net provides telecommunications, internet and data-centre services, targeting both private and business customers. The company has more recently diversified its offering by providing broadband connections in the Berlin area.",
"primary_role": "company",
"role_company": true,
"role_investor": null,
"role_group": null,
"role_school": null,
"founded_on": "1998-01-01",
"founded_on_trust_code": 4,
"is_closed": false,
"closed_on": null,
"closed_on_trust_code": 0,
"num_employees_min": null,
"num_employees_max": null,
"stock_exchange": null,
"stock_symbol": null,
"total_funding_usd": 6433000,
"number_of_investments": 0,
"homepage_url": "http://www.dns-net.de",
"created_at": 1379943112,
"updated_at": 1432074249
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