Navigation: Route overview

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Dec 24, 2022, 11:06:27 AM12/24/22
to cruiser-users
Navigation route overview was rewritten (using again the compass).

Long press on compass

- Opens the menu (you already know) to select the map orientation:
  - No rotation
  - Movement direction 2D
  - Movement direction 3D

Tap on compass

- Map zooms out to show the route overview and user location (north up)

- Tap again and the map immediately returns to the previous orientation

- Or map returns automatically after the auto center timer expires
  (can be changed in "Settings | Location | Auto center map view")

Route overview new implementation will be available in the next Cruiser update.
Please write if you have any thoughts about this workflow until you can test it. :)



Dec 24, 2022, 12:01:26 PM12/24/22
to cruiser-users
Preview in attached images:

1. Normal navigation

2. Route overview (tap compass)

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Dec 24, 2022, 12:33:57 PM12/24/22
The speed limits are provided by the calculated routes (not the offline maps).

Speed limits currently exist in the kurviger routes and GraphHopper routing.

> Is the round red sign the warning indicator or a secondary "limit" display?

Current speed and Speed limit are displayed in the right group in real time.
(3rd and 4th panel)

The red sign is a warning indicator: Speed 89 km / h > Speed limit 50 km / h.

Speed limit display and / or warning is in "Settings | Navigation | Speed limit").
Speed limit warning depend on "Settings | Navigation | Speed limit tolerance".

There is also voice warning for speed: "Settings | Voice guidance | Speed limit".



Dec 24, 2022, 12:43:59 PM12/24/22
> the street-name bar at the top works with Mapsforge routing but not BRouter

Street names and speed limits are provided by the calculated routes.
i.e. the selection in "Settings | Routing | Routing"

And they also exist in the imported .kurviger routes.

BRouter unfortunately does not currently provide them (see here).

Mapsforge / OpenAndroMaps / Freizeitkarte only provide the offline maps.

> in "speed" zoom/follow mode, the map does not initialize in the same way "distance" does, ie: zoomed-in on the road ready to navigate

Do you mean the very 1st zoom when start navigation?
It begins zoomed out when you expected to be more zoomed in?

Speed auto zoom needs the get the speed (from GPS) to calculate the auto zoom.
Doesn't it start to auto zoom as you start moving?

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Dec 24, 2022, 1:28:30 PM12/24/22
> It doesn't always appear obvious how data is obtained and what "download" is required.  I think (as a casual user), you download a "map" and that's ALL THE STUFF for your area: Roads, limits, hotels, etc.

As far as I know, only OsmAnd includes everything in its custom format: map + routing data.

Others are split in many providers for maps, routing, offline / online, etc.

Making the process in Cruiser simpler for everyone is an ongoing goal.
Ideas are always welcome. :)

> I would have expected the map to zoom into my position, possibly at the max zoom for my settings as the speed is <slow :)

Thanks for the details, I will check what happens.



Dec 25, 2022, 8:16:37 AM12/25/22
to Cruiser Users
> The initial zoom is just an odd behaviour - as I'm stationary when selecting the destination and hitting "navigate".  I would have expected the map to zoom into my position

Thanks for the report!

It will zoom properly (respecting auto zoom limits) when starting navigation in the next Cruiser update.



Dec 30, 2022, 10:25:45 AM12/30/22
to Cruiser Users
Cruiser 3.0.7 is available:

- Navigation: new route overview (tap compass)

For more details on how it works, see the 1st message in this conversation.

Give it a try and let me know how you find it and if there is anything else we need to improve.



Jan 2, 2023, 2:25:58 AM1/2/23
to Cruiser Users
It took very long until this version was available. It works, thanks. I have some proposals for improvement, see this post


Jan 2, 2023, 3:52:12 AM1/2/23
> It took very long until this version was available.

I released it on Google Play on 2022-12-30,
Google certainly took a while to publish it. :)

> It works, thanks.

Very nice, please try it and let me know how you find it.

> I have some proposals for improvement, see this post

Thanks, I will check it!

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Jan 2, 2023, 6:26:12 AM1/2/23
> Agreed about the waypoints "during navigation"

Many did not like that change, we should probably revert it back to how it worked before:

You will be able to change the route again during navigation. (e.g. add waypoints)

> because the route outline is not drawn past the next Via/Stop point

You probably have enabled the "Settings | Navigation | Route appearance | Advanced",

that highlights the currently driven part of the route (the rest of the route has less color).

(see attached image)

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Jan 2, 2023, 7:56:40 AM1/2/23
> what purpose does the momentary press of "Navigation" achieve? (button has diagonal strikethrough line).

Navigation (button) has 3 states:

- Off (white): tap to start navigation

- On (blue): tap to pause navigation or long press to stop navigation

- Pause (blue with \ line): tap to resume navigation or long press to stop navigation

This can be useful when leaving the route temporarily,
for a stop, fuel station, sightseeing, eat near the route, etc.

When navigation is paused, there is no unintentional route recalculation
and the follow mode is still available by long press the location button.



Jan 2, 2023, 8:38:34 AM1/2/23
to Cruiser Users
Concerns Route appearance > advanced.
Was introduced to clearly visually show the direction to follow in multiple self-overlapping tracks with missing turn instructions.
I had a situation where the transition to the next section changed slightly too late with a Shaping Point placed very shortly after an intersection.
I think so anyway because I then completely forgot to mention, well this until now.
I suspect it could be done a bit more optimally by highlighting the next section in addition to the current active section.
I think Tom (sometimes offroader) uses this advanced route appearance. Tom what is your experience, if any ?   

Op maandag 2 januari 2023 om 12:45:38 UTC+1 schreef MotoRiderUK:
Yes, I had "Advanced" enabled - without noticing too much what it actually did :)

Regarding the editing of the route during "Navigation", what purpose does the momentary press of "Navigation" achieve? (button has diagonal strikethrough line).  It seems to just let you look at the map.  Perhaps that's the button/place to make the changes?  So you tap the Navigation button during Navigation, that allows the map to be manipulated and edits to be made?

Perhaps that leaves us with "Plan" (Waypoints list, and normal operation of map), "Edit" (navigation paused), and "Navigation" - usual 2D/3D view with heads-up display.


Jan 2, 2023, 10:48:45 AM1/2/23
> You will be able to change the route again during navigation (e.g. add waypoints)

It will be available again in the next Cruiser update.



Jan 3, 2023, 1:25:24 AM1/3/23
to Cruiser Users
Finally... :-)... i found it terrible that i could not set a route point during navigation and thus quickly adjust the route.

Regarding the Advanced looks of the route: I use and find it good and got used to it. The next section is shown in time before you reach it. I think one of the reasons for this was the performance of the screen layout, right? It is very good. Would it be worse if the next section was also faded in earlier? If yes, that would not be so good, if no, I would have no problem with it.


Jan 3, 2023, 3:06:08 AM1/3/23
to Cruiser Users
Advanced looks of the route.

"I think one of the reasons for this was the performance of the screen layout, right?"
Correct as in the feature proposal, it involved a constantly moving precursor indicator. 
For performance reason than so was opted for the current 'section by 'section' switching'

"The next section is shown in the time before you reach it."
Correct the next section is not switched on too late.  
Anyway the next section is switched on relatively (surprise) late.
The track overview becomes a little bit unclear nearing a shaping(via) point.  
As each time it seems you are than already approaching the end of the track. 
The shortening tail is a little bit surprising,  until more track than is attached.

Op dinsdag 3 januari 2023 om 07:25:24 UTC+1 schreef Tom:


Jan 3, 2023, 5:09:58 AM1/3/23
Advanced route appearance now:

- Hides the passed route (before previous waypoint)

- Highlights the currently driven route (between previous and next waypoints)

- Paints with less color the future route (after next waypoint)

Performance is also important to avoid constant repaints.

I could adjust when the next route will be highlighted, if you find it to happen too late?



Jan 3, 2023, 8:33:52 AM1/3/23
to Cruiser Users
Advanced route appearance.  (Expert user).

Helps when (rarely) a turn instruction is missing anyway. For best illustration a demo shown without turnpoints.
For this demo test the intersection is to be passed several times and this coming from different directions.
Such a rare and somewhat strange routing built sometimes does indeed occur on MTB (trails) driven circuits.
Even if a turn instruction is absent it is expected to be able to estimate the correct direction to go to by the track display.
Given some high speed dangerous descents it is necessary to be able to estimate the direction to go so well beforehand.

I suppose the next would so be a more optimal display.
- Highlight the currently driven route section PLUS the next section.
(Between the previous and the next +1 waypoint)

Op dinsdag 3 januari 2023 om 11:09:58 UTC+1 schreef Emux:


Jan 3, 2023, 10:22:24 AM1/3/23
> Highlight the currently driven route section PLUS the next section.

Actually this should already happen:

In the last 500 m (we can change this) before a waypoint, the next route segment is also highlighted.

However, recently there was a regression and this control only worked in the last meters. :)

It will work properly again in the next Cruiser update.


Wolfgang Stöhler

Jan 3, 2023, 10:44:01 AM1/3/23
to Cruiser Users
> In the last 500 m (we can change this) before a waypoint, the next route segment is also highlighted.
> However, recently there was a regression and this control only worked in the last meters. :)

I saw that but was not sure if the limit was 500m. Thanks for the correction!
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