Status Update :: Crowdfunding Manual Nears Completion!

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Joe Brewer

May 26, 2011, 6:59:11 PM5/26/11
to Crowdsourcing Social Movements
Hello Everyone,

I would like to begin by apologizing for the silence over the last few weeks.  Suresh and I have been working diligently on the Crowdfunding Manual during what can best be described as an immensely turbulent period of time on the global stage.  We had hoped to maintain more regular dialogue with you throughout this time.

At this point, I am excited to share that we've almost got a complete draft of the Crowdfunding Manual and will share it with you next week.  We have written materials that cover the following:
  • Sets the context for a revolution in crowd-based organizing;
  • Offers insights into how social movements can function in the new paradigm of open collaboration;
  • Sequences the evolution of crowd engagement through recent cultural and technology revolutions;
  • Places crowdfunding in this larger process of social change;
  • Distinguishes several models of open collaboration and crowdsourcing to help map out the landscape of possibilities;
  • Describes the core problems with traditional finance for promoting social innovation;
  • Introduces the Pooled Ecosystem Funding Model as an example for how to overcome these central problems;
  • Gives a step-by-step walk through of how to run a successful crowdfunding campaign.
We believe this manual will bring a lot of value into the realm of social finance as it relates to movement-building toward collective impact.  And we're excited that we'll finally get to share with you what has been keeping us so busy in the last several weeks.



Joe Brewer
Founder & Director
Cognitive Policy Works
Founder & Director
Seattle Innovators
206.914.8927 (mobile)

Suresh Fernando

Jun 7, 2011, 12:48:03 PM6/7/11
Hey Joe - any news on this?
Suresh Fernando
Vicinus Group

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