Proposal for Facebook Version of Dizeez

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Vijeenrosh PW Vijeen

2013年4月26日 上午10:12:012013/4/26
Hi   Max, Benjamin ,

I have submitted my application for the Idea #2   'Facebook Version of Dizeez'. Please provide some opinion on the proposal
so as to enrich it . I have provided links to Mockup and ER-Diagram , instead of including it in the application , I would like to know if there is some issues in doing it
this way.

ER - Diagram ,  Mockup has been modified.  Strategy for Scoring , Achievements , Choice selection , logging of Game statistics , method to get list of gene-disease suggestions from game-log is described.  A link to Facebook API Short Notes, is also provided at the end of technical section , describing code-level use of Python Facebook SDK.
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