HCOMP DC Deadline - Extended by two weeks (27 June)

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Jahna Otterbacher

Jun 13, 2024, 9:30:21 AMJun 13
to Crowdsourcing and Human Computation
Dear colleagues,

The Human Computation (HCOMP) conference Doctoral Consortium (DC) aims to provide doctoral students working in areas of interest to our community with a unique experience to engage with one another, as well as with experienced researchers in the field. Students will be mentored by senior researchers who are leaders in the diverse specialities of interest to HCOMP.

The objectives of the DC are to provide students with the opportunity to:

  • Present and discuss their research with experienced researchers (i.e., DC mentors);
  • Network with other doctoral researchers who are at a similar stage of their dissertation research;
  • Access a platform for broader exposure for their research, both in general and in support of a future job search.

Participation in the HCOMP DC is a great opportunity to increase the visibility of a doctoral researcher’s work and to build connections with members of the HCOMP community.


HCOMP is unique in the diversity of disciplines that it draws upon and contributes to, ranging from computer science (especially artificial intelligence and human-computer interaction) to economics, organizational behavior, and the social sciences, all the way to digital humanities, policy, healthcare, digital health, and ethics. Any DC submissions fitting the topics of interest in the conference Call for Submissions are applicable.


Applicants must currently be enrolled in a PhD program. The Doctoral Consortium accepts doctoral researchers from any stage in their candidature but will prioritize candidates who have established a clear topic and research approach and have made some progress, but who are not so far along that they can no longer make changes. Before submitting, candidates should discuss their criteria with their advisor.


Those accepted are required to present their work at the DC, in-person (no virtual participation). Participants will also present a poster on their work during the poster session at the main conference.


Submissions will be reviewed based upon the expected potential of both the student and their proposed work, as well as the expected benefit to the applicant from participation. Priority will be given to applicants whose research goes beyond locally available expertise at their home institutions.


We expect to be able to support a limited number of DC participants with free registration to the conference. Should you require such financial assistance, please indicate it in your application as outlined below.


Applicants must submit a solely-authored paper in English containing: 1) a Doctoral Research Overview; and 2) a Supplemental Paragraph, as described below.

Doctoral Research Overview

Please summarize your doctoral research, including the following sections:

  • Motivation for the proposed research;
  • Background and related work (including key references);
  • Description of the proposed research, including key research questions and planned methodology to be used for investigating these research questions;
  • Proposed experiments if appropriate; Any preliminary evaluation and findings are welcomed, but this is not required.;
  • Specific research issues and/or challenges (do not skip these; the consortium is about helping you solve issues, not boasting about the issues you already solved).

Supplemental Paragraph

Please write a paragraph explaining: Why you want to participate in the consortium at this point in your doctoral studies and how you expect to benefit from the consortium; Your expected (approximate) completion date; If you require financial assistance in participating the conference, and the justification (note: we cannot support everyone, so please consider this option if you really need it).

Length and Organization

Your paper should be no more than 4 pages in total: 3 pages for the Doctoral Research Overview (including all figures and references), and the 4th page being the Supplemental Paragraph. The first page must contain the title of the paper, full author name, affiliation and contact details, an abstract of up to 250 words, and up to 3 keywords describing the research topic areas.


For consistency, we ask that all submissions to the HCOMP DC be formatted in the same way as described in the HCOMP 2024 Call for Papers.


For simplicity, we ask that all submissions to the HCOMP Doctoral Consortium be submitted through the same portal using the HCOMP 2024 EasyChair paper submission site. Submissions must be made on or before the deadlines listed above. We cannot accept submissions by e-mail or fax. Authors will receive confirmation of receipt of their submissions, including an ID number, shortly after submission. HCOMP will contact authors again only if problems are encountered with papers.


Submissions will be distributed only to mentors and other attendees of the doctoral consortium. Proceedings of the Doctoral Consortium will NOT be archived. As such, students may freely submit their research contributions for official publication in other venues. Participant names and university affiliations, as well as paper titles and abstracts, will be publicized on the conference website and in the conference program for the poster session.


Please direct all questions to the Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs:

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