RPC, problems with the response

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Robert Gregat

Aug 26, 2015, 11:30:25 AM8/26/15
to Crossbar
Hello everyone,
I use Crossbar.io together with Autobahn|Python Twisted on my Raspberry Pi 2 (Ubuntu Mate).
For some testing i query a sqlite/spatialite-db from an angularJS-App. For the communication i use angular-wamp.

So I have a procedure in Python which do all the heavy work (prepare the query, execute it and produce a geojson-string from the result). 
My idea behind this is to have something similar like a vector-tile query based on slippy-map Tiles (zoom/xtile/ytile). 
Everything works fine, dispite of one thing. If i execute the call 2-3 or more times i get my response after all calls are finished.
On my Pi 2 i did some console.log() to see what happened inside of the procedure. The procedure works normal and execute one by one, but on the client side i get every result after every call is processed at once.
My question is, when my procedure execute one by one, why did i get the response only after no more execution are going on?

Stripped down python code:

class AppSessionSpatialite(ApplicationSession):
    def onJoin(self, details):
        def get_data_db(queryData):
            return result

        yield self.register(get_data_db, 'de.map.data.request')

Johnny W. Santos

Aug 26, 2015, 11:38:18 AM8/26/15
to cross...@googlegroups.com
I think you have to make get_data_db as a coroutine as well, and also your db connection may be blocking the request. Are you using an async driver for the db?

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Johnny W. dos Santos

Tobias Oberstein

Aug 26, 2015, 12:56:33 PM8/26/15
to cross...@googlegroups.com

We need to see what you do in the get_data_db procedure. You must not block the reactor .. eg need to use appropriate db code as db drivers are blocking most often

Sent from Mobile (Google Nexus 5)

Robert Gregat

Aug 27, 2015, 3:38:29 AM8/27/15
to Crossbar
That could be one problem, yes.
I'm using pysqlite.

To open and close the spatiaLite-db i have two separate functions which have their own subscription. The problem with this approach is, that i can't
execute a query in a different thread. A workaround could be to open the db connection inside of the get_data_db function.

def open_db(status):
global conn # Verbindungsobjekt
global dbOpen
= False
print("open_db: {}".format(1))
= db.connect('/home/robert/crossbar_setting/Autobahn_Test/node2/python/sqlite/berlin_building.sqlite') # Oeffnen einer Datenbankverbindung
.enable_load_extension(True) # Das einladen von extension aktivieren
= conn.cursor() # Erzeugen eines cursors mit dem SQL-Statements ausgefuerht werdne koennen
.execute("select load_extension('libspatialite.so')") # Einladen der libspatialite.so
.enable_load_extension(False) # Funktionalitaet zum Einladen von extensions wieder deaktivieren
.row_factory = dict_factory # Festlegen wie ein Ergebnis formatiert werden soll
.close() # Cursor wieder schliessen
= True
= False
self.publish(u'de.db.isopen', dbOpen)

sub = yield self.subscribe(open_db, 'de.open.db')
print("subscribed to topic 'open_db': {}".format(sub))

def close_db(status):
print("close_db: {}".format(1))
= False
= True
= False
= False
self.publish(u'de.db.isclosed', dbClosed)
sub = yield self.subscribe(close_db, 'de.close.db')
print("subscribed to topic 'close_db': {}".format(sub))

def get_data_db(queryData):
print("get_data_db: {}".format(queryData))
 Eine Liste mit allen Informationen wird zusammengestellt.
 die letztem drei Eintraege beinhaltet die tilenummer, vor der tilenummer kommt der tabellenname.
 Alle weiteren Eintraege stellen Spaltennamen dar. Der erste Eintrag beinhaltet den Spaltennamen
 id, wenn in der Tabelle vorhanden.
id", "column2", "column3", "columnx", "tabellenname", "zoom", "xtile", "ytile"]
 Aus diesen Informationen wird das Select-Statement konstruiert.

# Den String splitten
= queryData.split("/")
# Anzahl an Elementen in der Liste ermitteln
= len(splitList)
# Tilenummer extrahieren und neu zusammensetzen
= splitList[listCount-3] + "/" + splitList[listCount-2] + "/" + splitList[listCount-1]
# BBOX berechnen
= MapUtil()
= maputil.num2deg(str(tileNumber)) # Umwandeln der TileNummer zu einer BoundingBox
# Tabellennamen aus der Liste extrahieren
= splitList[listCount-4]
# Alle Spalten aus der Liste extrahieren und in einer neuen Liste abspeichern
= splitList[0:listCount-4]
# Anzahl an Spalten ermitteln
= len(spalten)
= ""
= 0
# Zusammensetzen eines String mit allen Spalten
for spalte in spalten:
+= spalte
if(forCounter < listCount-1):
+= ","
+= 1
# Zusammensetzen aller Informationen zu einem SQL-Befehl
= """
 SELECT asgeojson(CastToPolygon(st_intersection(BuildMBR({2}, {3}, {4}, {5}), Geometry))) as geojson, {0}
 FROM {1}
 WHERE MBRIntersects(BuildMBR({2}, {3}, {4}, {5}), Geometry);"""
.format(spaltenSQL, tabellenname, bbox[0], bbox[1], bbox[2], bbox[3])
= conn.cursor()
= cur.fetchall()
= list()
for row in result:
= geojson.loads(row['geojson'])
#idBuilding = geojson.loads(row['id'])
= geojson.Feature(geometry = geom, properties = row)

= geojson.FeatureCollection(featureCollection)
= geojson.dumps(finalFeatureCollection, sort_keys=True)
return geoJsonDump
#reactor.callLater(0, dbThread, geoJsonDump)
= yield self.register(get_data_db, 'de.map.data.request')
print("Funktion registriert: get_data_db")

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