Re: Ina Vukic article on release of Croatian Generals Gotovina and Markac from the Haag prison, IN ENGLISH

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Miroslav Rovis

Nov 24, 2012, 4:21:35 PM11/24/12
to Zoo Zoo,
I urge everybody, I do, to simply add:

to recipients for fine e-mails like this one.
You don't lose much, do you, if it don't appear promptly?

And OTOH, sonner or later the chetno-skojians from Google Croatia
barring new
entries and wreaking all kinds of havoc to Australian-citizen
owned Croatian-News will have to desist.

Because there are those who despise most of the social media, for the
surveillance and other undercover unhealthy issues, esp. with Facebook,
and won't be using it. Not really...

Pls. see the forwarded article.

On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 13:49:27 -0500
Zoo Zoo <> wrote:

> **
> **
> Former ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte and Serbia ain’t whistling
> Dixie – Again?****
> November 20, 2012
> By inavukic <> 8
> Comments<>
> ****
> <>
> ****
> When Carla Del Ponte, as ICTY prosecutor, with fervent support from
> the powers that be in Serbia set out to “lighten” the terrible
> Serbian guilt for mass murders and ethnic cleansing in Croatia
> particularly between 1991 and 1993, by pinning a wildly evil theory
> of joint criminal enterprise against Croatian 1995 Operation Storm
> (which liberated Croatian territory from terror and occupation) they
> weren’t just whistling Dixie – they were very serious about it!****
> It was a plan filled with evil fantasy that evidently had the aim of
> suppressing and minimizing in the eyes of the world the horrible
> crimes Serbs perpetrated in the aggression against Croatia
> (1991-1995) and Bosnia and Herzegovina, which resulted in more than 1
> Million refugees (forceful deportations of Croatians and non-Serbs/
> ethnic cleansing), thousands of mass killings including genocide.****
> Del Ponte went about gathering “stuff” she might use as evidence for
> this evil construct whereby the ICTY Trial Chamber would eventually
> convict in April 2011 Croatian Generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen
> Markac of participating in a joint criminal enterprise against
> Croatian Serbs. This joint criminal enterprise was said to have been
> a plan of Croatia’s then President dr. Franjo Tudjman and his whole
> leadership circle. This joint criminal enterprise came, Del Ponte
> fantasized, in the form of Croatian military Operation Storm August
> 1995. ICTY prosecution said that Operation Storm was executed solely
> for the purposes of forceful deportation of Serbs from Croatia (some
> 200,000 Serb refugees, laden with their personal and household
> belongings, fled Croatia after Operation Storm in 1995)! To ICTY
> Prosecution, liberation of occupied Croatian territory, which the
> Serbs had ethnically cleansed and terrorized with murders, rapes and
> tortures during the years leading up to August 1995, did not factor
> in Del Ponte’s wicked reasoning.****
> For Carla Del Ponte, branding Croatia’s defense of its people and
> territory from Serb aggression 1991-1995 a criminal, illegal
> enterprise was a fantasy of the most evil kind. She didn’t keep it a
> fantasy; she went about making it real. The aggressively and
> hatefully optimistic and warped ways of her attempts to achieve this
> was exasperating as Croatia’s bids to negotiations for EU membership
> were consequently thwarted for years.****
> She set out to falsely characterize Croatian defense from mass
> murders and ethnic cleansing by Serb aggressor as criminal
> enterprises, branding Croatian leadership, including its President
> dr. Franjo Tudjman, as ultra nationalistic and as whips that planned
> to and executed forceful deportation of Serbs from Croatia.****
> To succeed in realizing her evil fantasy she set out collecting
> “evidence” that would or could fit into it. She got Croatia’s former
> President Stjepan Mesic (who spent 1990’s undermining Dr. Franjo
> Tudjman with unfounded but wicked fables and lies in attempts to
> become Croatia’s President himself) and former Prime Minister Dr. Ivo
> Sanader (convicted in Croatia today/20 November 2012 to ten years
> prison, for corruption/war profiteering) on board. Mesic, without a
> blink of an eye would sift through State secret documents and hand
> them to her at the ICTY (just as well that these State secret
> documents did not amount to what Del Ponte and Mesic thought they
> would). She spent years pursuing so-called artillery shelling diaries
> for Operation Storm that would prove there was illegal shelling
> during Operation Storm that was really (according to her) meant for
> Serb civilian targets. These diaries were another of Del Ponte’s
> fantasies.****
> As this fantasy was shot to smithereens, ICTY prosecution was in
> ecstasy when Trial Chamber judges came up with a new fantasy: any
> artillery shelling by the Croatians during Operation Storm that fell
> beyond 200 meters from military target was targeted at Serb civilians
> – to drive them out from Croatia! This fantasy was turned into a
> horrible reality (albeit utterly false) when ICTY Trial Chamber
> convicted Generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac to 24 and 18 years
> of imprisonment in April 2011. To make the matters worse Serbia was
> never subpoenaed to produce known documentary evidence that would
> show how the said 200,000 Croatian Serbs left Croatia in August 1995
> as part of Serb orders to evacuate Croatia, even though Croatian
> authorities guaranteed safety.****
> I guess, most of these 200,000 Serbs (if there were that many) fled
> rather than having to live with a guilty conscience among the
> Croatians and non-Serbs in Croatia against whom they had perpetrated
> so much evil from 1991.****
> When on 16 November 2012 the ICTY Appeal Chamber upheld the Generals’
> Appeal against ICTY Trial Chamber 15 April 2011 judgment, in effect
> saying that there was no joint criminal enterprise and no forceful
> deportation of Croatian Serbs as far as Operation Storm was concerned
> – all hell broke loose in Serbia. Serbian leadership, including its
> foreign minister Vuk Jeremic (who currently sits at the head of UN
> General Assembly) protested against the ICTY Appeal Chamber’s
> acquittal, calling it politically motivated and unjust. Threatening
> unrest in the region.****
> Vuk
> Jeremic<>
> reacted by saying “*It is an undeniable fact that about a quarter of
> a million (ethnic) Serbs were driven out of their homes in the space
> of only several days, and that the court, set up to investigate such
> misdeeds, in effect decided that no one was guilty or responsible.*
> *This could lead to a conclusion that no crime in fact took place,
> which evidently stands in contrast with reality. I think that a full
> understanding of the work of the Hague Tribunal and its consequences
> must be accessible to the wide international public, so that history
> can have the final say, and so that it never happens anywhere again
> that evil deeds are pardoned and declared a virtue.*“****
> Now, this man, Vuk Jeremic, sits in a high chair at the 67th Session
> of UN General Assembly and if he is to be judged by these words, he
> has no place in being there one moment longer.****
> Why, you may ask? Well the ICTY Appeal Chamber found no evidence of
> forced removal of Serbs from Croatia as argued by Del Ponte’s
> indictment against the Croatian Generals and he should respect the
> finding of the Appeal Chamber. Furthermore, he purposefully ignores
> to talk about the ethnic cleansing of about 700,000 Croatians and
> non-Serbs perpetrated by Serbs in Croatia (plus about 300,000 from
> Bosnia and Herzegovina who sought shelter in Croatia) before
> Operation Storm. Further, he tries to twist the Appeal Chamber’s
> finding into that which it is not. I.e., that the finding also meant
> that there were no crimes committed during Operation Storm.****
> The ICTY Appeal Tribunal found that the Croatian Generals had not
> committed the war crimes they were accused of, it did not delve into
> what else might have happened through whom.****
> Carla Del Ponte declared that she was shocked as to how such a
> verdict by the ICTY Appeal Chamber could have come about – she said
> that she “*had done everything as it should have been
> don<>
> e*” in the case, as prosecutor.****
> I would tend to agree: Del Ponte had done everything that should
> have been done in order to falsely characterize Croatian Operation
> Storm as a joint criminal enterprise but the evidence she had worked
> so hard to fit into her fantasy just didn’t hold water in the end.****
> As for Serbia, it is in its interest to make Operation Storm look
> like a criminal enterprise because, in doing so, the horrible crimes
> Serbs committed prior to Operation Storm might get forgotten by the
> world, or at least placed on the back-burner.****
> Serbia’s and Del Ponte’s reactions do nothing except perpetuate
> Serbia’s denial of its joint criminal enterprise against Croatia and
> Bosnia and Herzegovina in the early 1990’s.****
> I have no doubt that as far as Croatia is concerned any crimes
> committed by individuals during the war will be processed and brought
> to justice; and they should be.****
> And if Serbia threatens with continued unrest in the region because
> of ICTY Appeal Chamber decision to acquit Croatian Generals of war
> crimes, such threats are merely desperate attempts by Serbia to
> equate its aggression with its victims. That surely cannot be
> permitted, because if it’s up to Serbia then they would “guarantee”
> peace and reconciliation if Croatian Generals were convicted of war
> crimes despite being innocent.****
> Do Serbia and Carla Del Ponte really have a warped and offensive view
> of what truly happened during Serb aggression against Croatia and
> Bosnia and Herzegovina in the 1990’s? Or are they just playing a
> dangerous game?****
> Perhaps both. Surely both.****
> Ina Vukic, Prof. (Zgb); B.A., M.A.Ps. (Syd)****

Miroslav Rovis
01 660 2633
091 266 0202
#=== osuđen: ===#
#=== pravomoćno! ===#
nije moj profil, ali do siečnja 2012., a i kasnije, tamo postavljah:
Ima nešto i ovdje:

Miroslav Rovis

Nov 26, 2012, 3:45:07 AM11/26/12
to, ivica luetić,

Na više naslova (Ivici i Iskon abuse-u, te javno na Croatian-News)

Dragi Ivica,
uz najbolju volju,
sučelje Croatian-News ne da mi postaviti vašu poruku.

Također mi očito, kao u naslovu:

"Re: Ivica :Luetić ne dobiva izravne odgovore, a dobiva brda drugih
e-pisama sa Croatian-News, zloporaba!"

Također ni ova moja poruka koju prosljeđujem nije vidljiva na

Štovani Iskone!

možete li uputiti

*** moju ***

e-poruku koju vam prosljeđujem,

onima kojime je namjenjena.

Naime, Ivica Luetić i dalje, premda sam objasnio. čak i u slikopisu,
ima dolje adresa... i više pute osobno,

ne dobiva moje upute.

Također ne dobiva moje objašnjenje.

A uporno krivi mene.

Ne zna se odpisati od Croatian-News grupe, ili ga moderatori, ali
zaposlenici, ne oni koji poput mene su koristnici, Google HR ne
odpisuju, premda on to možda pokušava.

Unapried hvala!

On Mon, 26 Nov 2012 09:19:36 +0100
Miroslav Rovis <> wrote:

> Ovo nije toliko Ivici, već se pitam,
> pa mogu li naporni moderatori Google HR-YU poslati sve odreda poruke,
> a ne samo neke, Ivici (a te očito šalju višestruko).
> Ivica imate odgovor i na Youtube-u.
> Evo ovo što pišem morate naći po naslovu,
> naći
> Lectio 8 dio 3, o spamu i zloporabi od strane djelatnika Google HR-YU,
> 2012-10-23
> Imate odgovor i na Croatian-Newsu.
> gdje, dakle na Croatian-News grupi potražite sebe:
> Luetić
> A protiv cenuze nad vama, ja se ne mogu boriti.
> On Sat, 24 Nov 2012 22:45:50 +0100 (Central European Standard Time)
> "ivica luetić " <> wrote:
> >
> > Poslijednji put vas odist molim NE šaljite MI više priloge Miroslava
> > Rovisa I brišite me iz vašeg popisa adresa. Stvarno ste dosadni, DA
> > NE kažem NEšto drugo. Ukoliko m I dalje budete slali poruke, biti ću
> > prisiljen podnijeti prijavu
> >
> >
> > Ivica Luetić
> > novinar
> > tel. 021/361-873
> > mob. 098/ 939-6133
> >
> >
> >
> > -------Original Message-------
> >
> > From: Miroslav Rovis
> > Date: 24.11.2012 22:20:01
> > To: Zoo Zoo;
> > Subject: [Croatian News] Re: Ina Vukic article on release of
> > Croatian Generals Gotovina and Markac from the Haag prison, IN
> > I urge everybody, I do, to simply add:
> >
> >
> >
> > to recipients for fine e-mails like this one.
> > You don't lose much, do you, if it don't appear promptly?
> >
> > And OTOH, sonner or later the chetno-skojians from Google Croatia
> > barring new
> > entries and wreaking all kinds of havoc to Australian-citizen
> > owned Croatian-News will have to desist.
> >
> > Because there are those who despise most of the social media, for
> > the surveillance and other undercover unhealthy issues, esp. with
> > Facebook, and won't be using it. Not really...
> >
> > Pls. see the forwarded article.
> >
> > On Wed, 21 Nov 2012 13:49:27 -0500
> > Zoo Zoo <> wrote:
> >
> > > **
> > > http://inavukic
> > com/2012/11/20/former-icty-prosecutor-carla-del-ponte-and-serbia-aint-whistli
> > g-dixie-again/?year=2012&monthnum=11&day=20&like=1&_wpnonce=6e64d43ec9
> > >
> > > **
> > >
> > > Former ICTY Prosecutor Carla Del Ponte and Serbia ain’t whistling
> > > Dixie – Again?****
> > >
> > > November 20, 2012
> > > By inavukic <> 8
> > > Comments<http://inavukic
> > com/2012/11/20/former-icty-prosecutor-carla-del-ponte-and-serbia-aint-whistli
> > g-dixie-again/#comments>
> > > ****
> > >
> > > <http://inavukic.files.wordpress

Miroslav Rovis

Nov 26, 2012, 12:18:21 PM11/26/12
to Yanko Galinac,,,, Miroslav Rovis, Miroslav Rovis
Dragi Janko!
Dragi svi prijatelji do kojih ovo, ovim ili drugim putem,
možda dođe.
Iskone, dođi k sebi od bahatosti, vrati se Domoljublju!
Dragi Croatian-News primatelji!
Dragi Ivica Luetiću, za kojeg molim da ga prijatelji obavjeste da ima
ovdje odavno uputu, koju očito nije vidio, jer njega trpaju ponavljanim
porukama, a kad mu osobno pišem, onda se Iskon i Google HR-YU i T-com
dogovore da mu to ne prosliede!!! Zamislite! Dragi Ivica, valjda će ovo
nekako jednom do vas:

Lectio 8 dio 1, o spamu i zloporabi od strane djelatnika Google-HR(YU),
2012-10-17, 05h

((Iskone u predhodnoj poruci poslah vam drugi (a misleći da je taj)

Prije svih, dragi Janko, Hrvatu rode!

Težko mi je dostatno a kratko odgovoriti, budući da želim prvo raditi...
Evo, gle, na Youtube sam za oko dva prva dana uzalud postavio
(malo ljudi vidjelo, a puno ljudi tražilo, pa i naporno tražilo, da
nastavim postavljati), jer valjda nikome od onih koji su na moj kanal
predplaćeni, a preko 150 ih je, nije uobće javljeno Youtube-e-porukom
(koliko god da je youtube pjesma u poređenju sa Google HR-YU ili ovim
Iskonom koji nije više ono što je bio, srami se Iskone, bio si
domoljubna tvrdka, sad si se prepustio, kome to?, a koliko si se
probahatio, na sramotu si nam!)

Ali da ne izgubim nit:
Težko mi je dostatno a kratko odgovoriti, budući da želim prvo raditi...
Evo, gle, na Youtube sam za oko dva prva dana uzalud postavio,
jer do ljudi nije došlo što postavih, a iztičem ove slikopise:

Osječka, 2012-11-22, V&P

uz: Osječka, 2012-11-22, V&P: napomene, molbe

Ali imam još posla, i zato moram ovako kratko, nedostatno odgovoriti...

Pisao sam ti ovdje Janko:

staro sučelje:
isto, ali adresa prema novom sučelje:!msg/croatian-news/8hCHnvvyHBQ/Ap_m6TLjXBAJ

Ovdje, kao dodatak ovoj poruci, a iz dva razloga, 1) da poruka lakše
stigne, budući da određena podržka poštena postoji za Domoljublje na
Youtube-u (ne brišu slikopise, primjerice, dok Google HR jesu nekoliko
poruka meni izbrisali, vidi:
što daje puno slikopisa o Google HR-YU zloporabi...
Ili evo vam samo jedna, za one koji nemaju vrjemena:

Lectio 8 dio 4, o spamu i zloporabi od strane djelatnika Google HR-YU,
2012-10-23, 13h

Ovdje, započeh, kao dodatak ovoj poruci, a iz dva razloga, 1) da poruka
pouzdanije stigne (boje se naprosto ne izporučiti, ako rabim više kanala
komunikacije) i 2) da vam pokažem zašto *moram* rabiti Tor
( ) i koliko je koristan, i zašto vam vriedi
naučiti rabiti ga!...

Dakle, započeh, kao dodatak ovoj poruci izraditću slikopis slanja i još
nekih mučnih detalja oko Google HR-YU, pa će se taj slikiopis
vjerovatno zvati:

Lectio 8 dio 6, o spamu i zloporabi od strane djelatnika Google
HR-YU ...

Ako Bog da! Insh'allah!

Hvaljen Isus i Marija!
Bog i Hrvati!
Za Dooomm!!

P.S. Gledajte kako ne dopuštaju ni uglednim novinarima da me
kontaktiraju, nađite u Jankovu pismu izpod kako:

"Ivica Marijancic ... mi kaze da je tvoja-vasa postanska
baxsa ... prepuna"

Ma lažete, Iskone, da je prepuna. Ponavljam, lažete!

On Mon, 26 Nov 2012 15:46:20 +0000
Yanko Galinac <> wrote:

> Stovani Miroslave nije vise problem kod mene nego izmedju sto se
> dogadja. puno moji posiljka na tebe i Zeljka Tomasevica i Zeljka
> Tomasica Stjepana Tokic se vraca Ivica Marijancic za vas mi kaze i
> kaze da je tvoja-vasa postanska baxsa - baksa prepuna. Tako da ti -
> vi nedobijes-te to se zadnje vrijeme dogadja>pogledaj da je ispravno>
> Miroslav #2
> Rovis( Miroslav #3 Rovis(
> Miroslav Rovis( Yanko Galinac(
> Miroslave stavi poruke sam na >Janko's News and Comments (Vjesti i
> komentari) kad imas poruku i vidio za publiku stavije za sada radi
> tako sad su neki prijatelji poceli
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> > Date: Mon, 26 Nov 2012 09:45:07 +0100
> > From:
> > To:;;
> > Subject: [Croatian News] Re:
> > > > > whistling Dixie - Again?****
> > > > >
> > > > > November 20, 2012
> > > > > By inavukic <> 8
> > > > > Comments<http://inavukic
> > > > com/2012/11/20/former-icty-prosecutor-carla-del-ponte-and-serbia-aint-whistli
> > > > g-dixie-again/#comments>
> > > > > ****
> > > > >
> > > > > <http://inavukic.files.wordpress
> > > > com/2012/11/carla-del-ponte-and-stjepan-mesic.jpg>
> > > > > ****
> > > > >
> > > > > When Carla Del Ponte, as ICTY prosecutor, with fervent support
> > > > > from the powers that be in Serbia set out to "lighten" the
> > > > > terrible Serbian guilt for mass murders and ethnic cleansing
> > > > > in Croatia particularly between 1991 and 1993, by pinning a
> > > > > wildly evil theory of joint criminal enterprise against
> > > > > Croatian 1995 Operation Storm (which liberated Croatian
> > > > > territory from terror and occupation) they weren't just
> > > > > whistling Dixie - they were very serious about it!****
> > > > > target was targeted at Serb civilians - to drive them out
> > > > > from Croatia! This fantasy was turned into a horrible reality
> > > > > (albeit utterly false) when ICTY Trial Chamber convicted
> > > > > Generals Ante Gotovina and Mladen Markac to 24 and 18 years
> > > > > of imprisonment in April 2011. To make the matters worse
> > > > > Serbia was never subpoenaed to produce known documentary
> > > > > evidence that would show how the said 200,000 Croatian Serbs
> > > > > left Croatia in August 1995 as part of Serb orders to
> > > > > evacuate Croatia, even though Croatian authorities guaranteed
> > > > > safety.****
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > I guess, most of these 200,000 Serbs (if there were that many)
> > > > > fled rather than having to live with a guilty conscience
> > > > > among the Croatians and non-Serbs in Croatia against whom
> > > > > they had perpetrated so much evil from 1991.****
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > When on 16 November 2012 the ICTY Appeal Chamber upheld the
> > > > > Generals' Appeal against ICTY Trial Chamber 15 April 2011
> > > > > judgment, in effect saying that there was no joint criminal
> > > > > enterprise and no forceful deportation of Croatian Serbs as
> > > > > far as Operation Storm was concerned - all hell broke loose in
> > > > > verdict by the ICTY Appeal Chamber could have come about - she
# Bez ovog redka i svih redaka izpod, su
# algoritamski zbrojevi koji jednoznačno identificiraju gornji tekst
# Prilikom slanja poruka, formatiranjem se tekst donekle mienja,
# ali je uz pomoć ovih zbrojeva moguće provjeriti je li taj formatirani
# tekst nastao iz onog koji ovjeravaju MD5 i SHA256 zbrojevi, što ja
# koristim.
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# je u privitku, a sve je mojim PGP-podpisom ovjereno.

Miroslav Rovis

Nov 26, 2012, 8:38:01 PM11/26/12
to, Yanko Galinac,, Miroslav Rovis, Miroslav Rovis
Obećani slikopis
(ENGLISH voiceover included):

Lectio 8 dio 6 (ENGLISH), o spamu i zloporabi od strane djelatnika
Google HR-YU, 2012-11-26, 17h

On Mon, 26 Nov 2012 18:18:21 +0100

Yanko Galinac

Nov 27, 2012, 5:29:20 PM11/27/12
to Miroslav Rovis, Miro [Croatian News]

> Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 02:38:01 +0100
> From:
> To:
> CC:;;;
> Subject: Re: [Croatian News] Re: Miroslav, kojega Janko i drugi ugledni Hrvati bezuspješno pokušavaju kontaktirati
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