Post Young Adult Fantasy/ Sci-Fi Critique Partner Requests Here

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Maggie Stiefvater

Dec 9, 2015, 2:07:42 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup

Here are the rules, such as I ever have rules:

STEP ONE: Post a comment saying the age range (adult, YA, MG) of your project, a brief, one-sentence blurb about your book (or just the genre if you don’t want to share more than that), and whether or not you have an agent, etc.*. Also include the last book you read that you loved and also the book you feel epitomizes you as a reader. If you write in a language other than English, include that info with the language in all caps so it’s easy to find while skimming the comments. Finish with a way to contact you.

*You don’t have to include the agent/ publication information unless it’s important to you to find a critique partner who is also agented/ published. I was agented/ published when I met Tessa/ Brenna; they were not. It depends on the sort of support you’re looking for.

STEP TWO: If someone else in the comments sounds like a possible match, send them a message saying so and find out if it’s mutual. If it is, exchange the first 50 pages of your manuscripts, critique them, and return said critiques. If either of you doesn’t feel like the crit relationship is working at that point, you get to smile and say thanks and walk away without any questions asked. This is VERY IMPORTANT.This ability to shake hands and part ways without hard feelings is the reason why this process works. Sometimes it takes a few exchanges before you realize it’s not a good match. Don’t feel pressured into sticking with each other — remember that this is honest speed dating and a ‘not for me!’ is not a rejection based upon merit.

NOTE: I myself am not looking for critters. Two partners is enough for me — I can’t keep up with anymore. I recommend definitely two or three partners for best results. That way when someone says “this sucks!” and someone else says “does not!” you can be the tie breaker. But if they both say “this sucks!” and you say “does not!” it means you’re wrong.

FURTHER NOTE: I don’t read the comments, really. My imaginary assistant Halfred and I monitor them infrequently only for spam-deletion purposes.

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Dec 9, 2015, 3:02:13 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: My project is YA (though it flirts with adult)

Genre: Science Fiction (traveling through dimensions) but with shades of fantasy (some of the dimensions are straight fantasy worlds).

Blurb: In order to ascend, Quinn must complete a relay race in four separate universes. The book is Sense8 meets Mad Max: Fury Road.

Agent: I'm represented by Kristin Nelson (and just received my first pub deal) While I'd love to find other agented authors, I'm mostly looking for a solid writer that works at the same pace I do. I write... a lot.... fast.

Last Book I loved: The Goblin Emperor by Katherine Addison

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: Red Rising - Though my first true reading love will always be the epic fantasy, Red Rising captured a lot of what I love in a book. Gritty and visceral, with high stakes and a lot of action.

I can be contacted at my email address:

Dec 9, 2015, 3:08:34 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
YA Urban Fantasy. "Corina Darken discovers her heritage as a mermaid, as well as a blood oath, an arranged marriage to one of eight royal siblings, and a crown hanging over her head--unless she can break the curse before summer ends."
I don't have an agent, and the last book I consumed/loved was Laini Taylor's "Smoke and Bone" series. Its fantastical, colorful, and a little dark, with such great world-building.

Dec 9, 2015, 3:14:48 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age range: Let's say YA. My protagonist starts out at eight years old and finishes at seventeen.

Genre: Contemporary fantasy? But grounded in the real world.

Blurb: (Very loosely): Hannah never asked to be bitten by a werewolf. So why is it controlling her life?

Agent: Nobody yet. There's a section towards the end that still needs some major work, so I'm not querying until I've figured that out.

Last book I loved: The Coldest Girl in Coldtown, by Holly Black.

Epitomizes me as a reader: No YA novel will ever be quite as perfect as Diana Wynne Jones' The Lives of Christopher Chant.

I can be contacted through e-mail (, or Twitter (@lilywithtwobees).

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Dec 9, 2015, 3:32:14 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA (with adult elements... New Adult?)

Genre: Fantasy and comedy

Blurb: Andromeda (Andy) is a fearsome dragon who kidnaps handsome princes for fun. The longer she stays a dragon her humanity slowly slips away but she's going to ignore that and stare into the beautiful, frightened eyes of Prince Yu.

Agent: None! I'm a Creative Writing and Publishing MA student at a uni in London. I'm American though!

Last Book I Loved: Dream Thieves by Maggie Stiefvater

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell and The Coldest Girl in Coldtown by Holly Black

Contact: my email!

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Dec 9, 2015, 3:40:37 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
I am working on YA trilogy. The first two are complete and the third is a work in progress.

The stories are fantasy / coming of age in genre, set in late 1990's London.

Synopsis: With a week to go before she gets her A-level results, all Rosie thinks she has to worry about is getting high enough grades to get into Uni. Then she meets Benjamin, who knows more about her than she does.

I am unrepresented. I live in the UK, but would love to writing partner with someone in any country via the wonders of email!

The last book I read which gave me goosebumps and red eyes was 'Shiver'; I fell for Sam and Grace in a big way. The book which sums me up as a writer is 'City of Heavenly Fire': " long as there is love and memory, there is no true loss."

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Dec 9, 2015, 4:27:43 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA--though definitely more geared towards older teens

Genre: Urban fantasy, I'd like to say? Set in its own world that is heavily based on ours, with a purposefully indistinct time period and very fantastical elements... But in a semi-contemporary setting.

Blurb: The islanders told Tamar not to shed seven tears into the sea, or talk to dark-eyed boys with razor-sharp smiles. Unfortunately, she's already in far too deep to ever get out.

Agent: None yet! I'm not quite at that point as of now, but that's where I want to head.

Last book I loved as a reader: "The Darkest Part of the Forest" by Holly Black.

Epitomizes Me As A Reader: The Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer. In general, I love to read about magic, romance, and a good bit of darkness in heroines and heroes.

Note: I'm finished with a first draft--as messy as that is--and have recently started working on the second draft. Just a heads up for those who don't want to deal with that! I just didn't want to pass up the Critique Partner Matchup this year, and I can start critiquing at any point in time.

I can be contacted at

Dec 9, 2015, 4:27:45 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup,
Age Range: YA

Genre: Science Fiction (with a Contemporary feel)

Blurb: Twins Phil and Gwen relocate to a boarding school in the East Coast, where they come in contact with a chemical that activates their mutated genes, granting them heat transfer super powers. Phil must learn to master her powers, survive the hostile environment of her new school, and reveal the truth behind her genes. The book is Life is Strange (video game) meets Chronicle (movies).

Agent: I am working on draft #4, will not start querying until draft #6 or so.

Last Book I Loved: The Fifth Wave (Rick Yancey)

Currently Reading (and loving): White Teeth (Zadie Smith)

Epitomizes me as a reader: A Song of Ice and Fire. I love the huge world and three-dimensional characters and all the wtf twists and turns. I love it when the author leaves breadcrumbs for me to speculate.

My goal for my current, debut novel is to create a poignant experience for the reader, like what Life is Strange does.

Please contact me here: subject title "Critique Partners"

Dec 9, 2015, 4:35:07 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Currently have a YA WIP set in an alternate universe where people lack the ability to store any memories without the help of technology. Not quite finished, but would be interested in sharing with anyone what I have / would love to read your stuff while I get mine ready.

Definitely feel Divergent by Veronica Roth is my biggest influence in this, but with added humor and not at all dystopian.

Not agented, can be reached at

Dec 9, 2015, 4:35:12 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA

Genre: Fantasy

Blurb: Mia must train to be a warrior Nephilim and vanquish the most feared Fallen Angel after her parents are brutally murdered by demons.

Agent: No one yet. The second half of the manuscript isn't written yet.

Last book I loved: I've been on a Contemporary kick this year, but my love is forever YA Fantasy. I recently read Renee Carlino's book Before We Were Strangers and loved it.

Empathizes me as a reader: Vampire Academy, Mortal Instruments Series, Twilight Saga.

I can be contacted at

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Dec 9, 2015, 4:41:27 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: My current project is YA. Future projects may be Adult.

Genre: Speculative fiction. The story is set about 30 years from now, in a more eco-advanced world.

Blurb: Imprisoned in a facility that forces DNA altering experiments, subject 218 is determined to help her team survive. The book is The Scorpion Rules meets the X-Men.

Agent: Not currently represented. I’m on the brink of querying, but need people to read it before I know how close to that ledge I really am.

Last Book I loved: The Last Ever After (Book Three in The School for Good and Evil)

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: Cyteen by C.J. Cherryl for its rich characters and complex relationships and motives that shift and grow by events in the plot.

Contact me by email:, or Twitter:

Dec 9, 2015, 4:47:25 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: My project is YA

Genre: Urban Fantasy

Blurb: Brynn is a monster that struggles to hold on to her humanity Only to discover that maybe the humans are the real monsters.

Agent: No agent as of yet, but my goal is to begin submitting Feb 2016

Last Book I loved: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: Red Rising - Hmm.. tough question. I would say Moonheart by Charles deLint for the gritty characters and world building. I also love The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman for its ability to bring me into a realistic world and then transport me into a magical one without me realizing it.

I can be contacted at my email address:

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Dec 9, 2015, 5:17:43 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: upper YA

Genre: Fantasy

Blurb: Annassa, a soldier prophesied to be queen, must make a choice: to follow orders and protect the nation's heir, or embrace her fate chosen by the gods.

Agent: None as of yet, but planning on getting to a querying point within the next year.

Last Book(s) I Loved: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, The Martian by Andy Weir, and Magic Shifts by Ilona Andrews

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: the Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo - a perfect mix of fantasy and fairy tale and the portrayal of humanity in the battle against light and dark.

Contact me at my email address:

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Dec 9, 2015, 5:33:08 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
My project is YA sci-fi/Fantasy.

Blurb: A young girl goes in search of her father in a world on the brink of war.

Agent: Not represented.

Last Book I loved: Matthew Reilly's 'The Tournament'

Epitomises me as a reader: Neverwhere by Neil Gaiman. It captures magic in a way that's still believable and the plot twist is subtle enough to make you want to reread it, just to be sure.

My email address is

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Giovanna Adams

Dec 9, 2015, 5:53:48 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup

Dec 9, 2015, 6:03:14 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Shooting for YA (Fantasy/Sci-Fi)

Peter (17) befriends a couple of curious characters from a world of supernatural creatures, who help him to avoid the all-powerful, magical mass-murderer intent on killing him.

Last book I read was The Raven Cycle series, which completely changed my motivation as a writer for long, drawn-out, very happy reasons. It is now my favorite book (series) of all time.

Can shoot me an e-mail at

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Dec 9, 2015, 6:52:55 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
YA urban/contemporary fantasy, unagented but looking

Basic idea is organized crime + magic. Clea ran away to NYC to live a "normal life" but must return to the criminal underworld when she learns her brother has committed suicide. Book contains blood oaths, a rabbit named Jupiter, an unsavory undertaker, many stolen cars, the destruction of a famous museum,

I'm working the sequel to this now but still looking for feedback on the first because I'm trying to find an agent, and because I'm seeing how the groundwork in book one is playing out in book two.

Last book I read and loved: In general, Carrie Brownstein's Hunger Makes Me a Modern Girl; in this genre, Sinner.

Me as a reader: anything by David Mitchell.


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Dec 9, 2015, 7:06:21 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: Mature YA

Genre: Low Fantasy (fantastical/magical elements woven into a historical setting)

Blurb: OUTLANDER + THE TRICKSTER'S CURSE: 21st century-born Elisabeth is caught between two factions of ancestral guardians as she struggles for independence in 15th century Germany.

Agent: Unrepresented... for now. :)

Last Book I loved: Gosh. It's hard to pick one. I really enjoyed WITHER by Lauren Destefano. I'm reading FANGIRL by Rainbow Rowell at the moment and I haven't finished it yet but I'm already majorly book crushing!

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: THE PHYSICK BOOK OF DELIVERANCE DANE by Katherine Howe. I love books that have a little bit of fantasy woven in with a lot of history and strong female leads. Connie is brave and intelligent and doesn't lose sight of her goals, even as she watches them change in front of her. It hit me in all the right places!

Contact info:
Twitter: @almost_anna

Dec 9, 2015, 7:15:35 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA

Genre: Fantasy, modern day setting, based on Norse mythology,two cursed teens travel to Asgard but must decide between breaking their curse or saving New Midgard from an army of dark elves led by Loki.

Agent: No agent, yet. Hoping to query this book early 2016 and I have a SF in the works as well.

Last book I loved: On the Jellicoe Road (Melina Marchetta)

Book that epitomizes me as a reader: The Space Between by Brenna Yovanoff and The Slow Regard of Silent Things by Patrick Rothfuss (Sorry, couldn't pick just one.


Dec 9, 2015, 7:21:22 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hey guys! My name is Carey!

Genre: YA Urban Fantasy

Blurb: War has never been easy, but when it's a war between humans and the magical creatures that have secretly (now not so secretly) inhabited the world alongside them, three teenagers will rise about the violence to try and stop the carnage.

Agented: I am not, but I have queried before. I also have a lot of experience in the publishing company (I've got poetry, fiction, and nonfiction published- as well, I've interned with a publishing company).

Last Book I Read (and Loved): Station 11 by Emily St. John Mandel. It's kinda perfect for the sort of story I want to tell. It's got multiple perspectives, offers a deep psychological view on humanity, and takes the reader on a nail-biting emotional read. If you haven't read it yet, I certainly recommend it!

Book that Epitomizes Me as a Reader: There's a reason I'm on this forum! I love, love, love Maggie's work, and it's something I inspire to work towards (with my own twist, of course!). But, more specifically, The Scorpio Races is my favorite book of all time. I just love the way it perfectly blends dark magic with the darkness of the world but still somehow puts a positive, beautiful spin on things. If I can create something like that, I'm doing good with my life.

Ways to Contact: Feel free to respond to this post or you can email me at the following:

Thanks! ^-^

Dec 9, 2015, 7:27:54 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hi Carey, Scorpio Races is also one my favorite books, and your story sounds so interesting. I posted right before you. Let me know if you might be interested in exchanging pages.

Julia Marie

Dec 9, 2015, 7:48:05 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: Older YA (Characters are mostly 18/19 year olds, but one of them is 15)

Genre: High Fantasy

Blurb: Through multiple point of views, this YA High Fantasy follows a prince mistakingly thought to be dead as he teams up with a band of criminals to retake his throne in a world where people can control the elements.

Agent: Not represented. Right now this is a first draft, which I aim to finish by the end of this month, but I hope to start querying this by the end of 2016.

Last Book I loved: Wolf by Wolf by Ryan Graudin

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: honestly anything by V.E. Schwab/Victoria Schwab and Maggie Stiefvater; or in other words, books filled with weird magic, character-driven stories and atmospheric writing. Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo, however, also has pretty much everything I love and so does the Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.

Contact me at

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Dec 9, 2015, 8:26:46 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age range: YA
Genre: Fantasy with strong mystery elements

Blurb: Six years after a family of spell-sellers disappears in a mysterious curse, a broke thief with no other options robs their mansion and finds a girl in the cellar, who blackmails her into investigating the curse.

Last Book I Loved: Simon Vs. The Homo Sapien Agenda by Becky Allibertali; currently reading Six of Crows and loving it

Epitomizes me as a reader: Demon's Lexicon Trilogy by Sarah Rees Brennan

I write snarky, character-driven stories with a lot of twists, and prefer to read the same. I love all stages of the CP process, from talking through initial ideas to editing full drafts to helping with pitches and query letters. I will edit young adult and adult books of any genre, though I write mostly fantasy. LGBTQ and minority representation in stories is extremely important to me. If you're interested in exchanging chapters, email me at swinginginathunderstorm[at]!

Dec 9, 2015, 8:34:45 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
AGE RANGE: 12-100
GENRE: YA SCi-Fi/Fantasy
Half Blurb:
Six years ago our Earth was invaded by creatures known only as the EKHO.
NASA could do nothing. They didn’t even see it coming. Billions of people were slaughtered on the streets as they tried to escape. I know because I was nearly one of them.
The only survivors of the invasion climbed aboard a prototype Space Station named CALYPSO, escaping the massacre and leaving Earth behind for good.
There is nothing left.
They’re all gone.
LAST BOOK I LOVED: Ruin & Rising by Leigh Bardugo.
EPITOMIZES ME AS A READER: YA Fantasy... Anything Sarah J Maas, Leigh Bardugo, Colleen Houck... I love to get pulled into another world.

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Dec 9, 2015, 9:19:54 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA / Urban Fantasy

Summary: Reserved college student Jay is forced into a secret world of magic when her mother's soul is stolen. With her best friend at her side, she sets out to find the King of the Gods, certain that his power can bring her mother back to consciousness. All the while, Jay must come to terms with her own secrets in order to keep those she loves safe.

Basically, an urban fantasy story based on Hindu mythology, with a heavy exploration of mental illness. I don't have a full first draft ready, but I do have two separate incomplete drafts. Which is a mess, I know.

Last Book I Loved: Winter by Marissa Meyer. Winter (the character) was so incredibly important to me, and I just loved how Meyer writes her women protagonists. They are so strong and unique, and I envy how she slips between distinct points of view with ease.

Epitomizes me as a Reader: A Wrinkle in Time. Or, really, any book by Madeline L'Engle. I skew more towards fantasy than the sci-fi she writes, but her effortless combination of fantastical world-building and hard-hitting, real character creation is something that I strive towards.

If you're interested in exchanging with me, bouncing ideas off each other, or just chatting about good books, contact me at!

Kimberly Bea

Dec 9, 2015, 9:27:18 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age range: YA

Genre: Fantasy--fairy tale retelling

Blurb: Neglected her entire life, the Little Mermaid seeks alliance with a human prince to overthrow her father, the cruel king of the sea.

Agent: None yet.

Last book I loved: A Red-Rose Chain by Seanan McGuire

Book that epitomizes me as a reader: This is hard! I'm going to say Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wynne Jones for its prickly heroine and use of fairy tale tropes.

I can be reached at:

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Dec 9, 2015, 9:43:41 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age range: YA
Genre: Fantasy

Blurb: Marley Fields was content with the ordinary, but when Daniel Ross steps through her bathroom mirror, she must face the possibility that the extraordinary is possible.

Agent: N/A

Last book I loved: Winter, Marrisa Meyer (Currently reading but it's already amazing.

Epitomizes me as a reader: Series or book? I can't choose either way. But for a series Chronicles of Narnia. Stand alone book? Scorpio Races still sticks with me.

I can be contacted through e-mail:

Dec 9, 2015, 9:44:34 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA

Genre: Sci-Fi(ish)/Speculative (but also write fantasy)

Blurb: Devi comes home from school to discover her house has exploded, her father is dead on the living room floor, and her mother has left a mysterious box and key for her and is nowhere to be found. Before Devi can process this, she's attacked by a lot of men with a lot of guns, and is forced to go on the run to figure out what's going on. It's a story about friendship, identity, and creepy bio-tech...with a touch of gaslighting tossed in for good measure. And not everyone will make it out alive.

Agent: Bill Contardi (recently signed first pub deal for CINDERELLA, NECROMANCER... that title alone might tell you a little more about the kinds of things I write...!)

Last Book I Loved: E.K. Johnston's A THOUSAND NIGHTS

Epitomizes me as a reader: It's not YA, but Karen Marie Moning's Fever series -- a series unafraid to burn everything to the ground, plus a kick-ass heroine and baddies who are just. plain. evil. because...that's the way they are.

Contact: (please note "critique partner" in the subject line) or on Twitter (@faithboughan).

Dec 9, 2015, 9:44:59 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA/Adult. I'm going to post it in both to be on the safe side. Think Lev Grossman's The Magicians in terms of age range.

Genre: Fantasy? Contemporary? Magical Realism? I honestly can't tell. Basically, it's about monsters and mental health.

Blurb: Callie sees monsters everywhere. But it's college, so that's not surprising.

Agent: None. No experience with agents or querying.

Last book I loved: Career of Evil by Robert Galbraith (JKR) and This Is How You Lose Her by Junot Díaz

Epitomizes me as a reader: Anything by Neil Gaiman, but especially Coraline and The Graveyard Book.

I can be contacted through email at or on Twitter @theseventhmagpi

Dec 9, 2015, 10:02:35 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age range: YA
Blurb: The fairytales have escaped, and apparently, 17-year-old Ayako Minase is to blame.

I do not have an agent. I just finished the first (rough) draft of this novel. Im starting my edits in January and hope to query late 2016.

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy

Last book I read that I loved: Fortune's Pawn by Rachel Bach. It's part of a trilogy that I read and loved. It's an amazing scifi book with a rich world(s) and richer main female protagonist.

A book that epitomizes me as a reader: Cloud Atlas. A book that was about something. With a great plot and a diverse cast. It's a book the finished and I couldn't stop thinking about. Those are the books I remember and love to read.
Fair warning, I really don't like reading books/stories that do not at least show diversity.

Contact me at:

Dec 9, 2015, 10:09:09 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Bright Young People
YA Historical Fantasy/Alternate History

Murder, magic and mayhem in 1920s London... Five completely different but magically connected teenagers must come together to save the world fufill a prophecy -- or not. No one can quite agree if they are the chosen ones or not. But they have their own personal problems to deal with, too.

Unagented/unpublished. (Also incomplete, but hoping a cp will help push me on!)

The last book that I read that I loved has to be Cam Girl by Leah Raeder (though a completely different genre!) Within this genre I'd say A History of Glitter and Blood.

The book that speaks to me as a reader is trickier...I think Dark Triumph by Robin LaFevers.

You can contact me by email ( or on Twitter (@kittymisandrist).

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Dec 9, 2015, 11:27:46 PM12/9/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy

Blurb: After an insufferable teen chess prodigy accidentally frees a shapeshifting dragon from his magical slumber, she has to track him down in the magical underbelly of South Korea before a terrorist organization catches him first.

Agent: None at the moment. This project's actually an R&R I put aside for a couple months, but I'm hoping to revisit it in January. I'm a fast reader, and my critiques usually focus on big-picture issues like character arcs and plot beats. I'm also honest, but I like to think of myself as tender, like a nice honest steak.

Last Book I Loved: Me, Earl, and the Dying Girl. I read it while I was sick and I almost coughed myself to death from laughing.

Epitomizes Me as a Reader: Dostoyevsky's Brothers Karamazov. Schwab's Vicious. Bardugo's Six of Crows. Agatha Christie's Five Little Pigs. My favorites always change, so I'm just going to list the books I loved recently.

Email's parksilvia at gmail.

Dec 10, 2015, 12:07:19 AM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age: Upper YA - 17/18-year-old protagonists

Genre: Sci-fi or fantasy, in modern or modern-like settings. Often with morally gray characters or situations. Always with lots of action.

Books like mine: If you like these books, you might like mine - CITY OF BONES; ILLUSIVE; STEELHEART; WHITE CAT; LEGEND; THE CONSPIRACY OF US; MIND GAMES

Blurb: WIP: ARROW (tv) meets KICK-ASS - A girl who is barista by day, vigilante by night, is targeted by a gang who wants her out of the picture and she has to track down the leader and stop him before they succeed; Previous: WHITE CAT with dragons - Daughter of the dragon mafia boss has to track down her father's killer/brother's kidnapper; Pre-previous: LEGEND meets GRAVE MERCY - A girl in an assassin's guild learns a secret that forces her to question her loyalties.

Opening paragraphs:

Brigham Park wasn’t the best place to find crime in Scarlem, even at night, but I still liked to come here sometimes. It was a great place to calm down. The Inner Harbor glittered under the reflections of hundreds of lights, jewels of orange and yellow set in an undulating black carpet. Sleeping boats bobbed at their moors nearby, the soft creaks and bumps lulling in their rhythm. Along the edge of the brick promenade, the trees whispered to each other in the light breeze.

I slouched on the bench looking out over the water, my legs stretched out in front of me, and picked absently at the black spandex. “So finally I gave up arguing,” I said, watching the lights on the water. “Because honestly, the guy wasn’t going to listen. And I went and got him his damn tea with milk and lemon.”

Agent: Not currently agented; was previously signed with an agent (for "previous" and "pre-previous" books above), but no sales. Now searching for new representation.

Favorite books: I can't just pick one, but some top favorites of mine include THE SCORPIO RACES, CINDER, GRAVE MERCY, BITTERBLUE, the Grisha-verse, FANGIRL/CARRY ON, DAYS OF BLOOD & STARLIGHT, CLOCKWORK ANGEL/CITY OF BONES/etc, WHITE CAT

CP/reader-me books: Plot-driven, fast-paced, clever heroines, a dash of romance, some tugs to my heartstrings, a plot twist or two, bonus points for morally gray and/or kick-ass characters. See favorite books for some examples in YA. But a perfect example of the sort of stories I love is the tv show ARROW - love love love this show.

Notes: I recently lost a CP and am looking for someone new who *gets* my stories and whose feedback I trust. I am looking for someone who is serious about their writing - dedicated with their spare time, willing to put in the work, thoughtful when receiving critiques and open to improvement, pursuing representation and publication within the next year or so. I am looking also for someone who applies this dedication to writing their critiques. I try very hard to offer thoughtful, hopefully helpful big-picture critiques that highlight not just what didn't (and did!) work for me but also why, and offer possible solutions for problems (not plot point suggestions, that's your job, but plot approaches). They are like an edit letter and tend to run a few thousand words long, balancing critique with encouragement. I'd like someone who is willing to offer a similar level of effort in their critiques.

Contact: If you think we'd be a good match, please email! -- Tell me a bit about your writing, your reading tastes, and if you're willing, include a paragraph or two from your WIP. :)

Dec 10, 2015, 12:41:19 AM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: Young Adult, ages 15-25+

Genre: Fantasy

Blurb: Two friends discover their destinies are entwined in more ways than one... and in multiple Realms. A story about good versus evil, trust, and finding the hero in yourself.

Agent: No agent yet, though I am working with an independent editor through the Northwest Indepenent Editors Guild.

The last book I loved reading was Sinner, by Maggie Steifvater (enjoyed the whole Shiver series and Lament & Ballad), and before that the final Mortal Instruments book, City of Heavenly Fire.

The books that epitomize me are the Graceling Realm series by Kristin Cashore, the Morganville Vampire series by Rachel Caine, and The Hush Hush series by Becca Fitzpatrick. Of course, the books listed above (Steifvater and Clare), at risk of repeating them, and Melissa Marr's Wicked Lovely series, too.


Dec 10, 2015, 1:06:22 AM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age: YA

Genre: Usually fantasy, though I occasionally dip my toes into realistic fiction as well. Always hella diverse and hella queer.

Blurb: I'm just in the beginning stages of a new novel right now, but I know that it's going to involve genderfluid pirates, badass princesses, magicians who run on sunlight, grumpy witches, palace intrigue, adventure, queer romance, and possibly some dragons.

Agent: Nope, but I'm (hopefully) aiming for being agented within a few years. Looking for a critique partner who is also very serious about writing and shooting for publication in the near future. Side note: I have published several short stories, and ideally I'm looking for a critique partner who'd be willing to trade critiques of short stories as well as novels.

Last book I loved reading: Prince's Gambit, by C.S. Pacat. Fantasy with solid and believable worldbuilding, amazingly well-developed characters, a wonderfully well-paced plot, and queer romance.

Books that epitomize me as a reader: everything that Tamora Pierce has ever written: deeply immersive and beautiful fantasy worlds, kickass and highly complex heroines, a strong focus on character and relationship development, and a healthy dose of adventuring and swordplay. And, of course, the Raven Cycle.

Email me at!

Dec 10, 2015, 1:32:50 AM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Older YA Fantasy
Not agented!

Blurb: No one dies of sickness in the village of Gyeon. The reason has been guarded by Xira's family for over a century, but that is about to change when a stranger comes looking for answers to heal an ailing Empress.

Last book I read that I loved: Six of Crows by Leigh Bardugo

Books that epitomizes me as a reader: The Grisha Trilogy by Leigh Bardugo; Darkest Minds by Alexandra Bracken; Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell by Susanna Clarke; Good Omens by Neil Gaiman (Big worlds, high stakes, often times a rag tag group against the odds)


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Dec 10, 2015, 9:58:04 AM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA/NA Genre: Paranormal Romance(Somewhat Fantasy I suppose) I'm working on the sequel to my debut novel, Death Callers, though I have another project I'm working on also, which leans more toward Adult.

Blurb: (Banshee Cry) Banshee Aislin Gray has waited almost a year for this journey, and now it is time--to go through Hell and back to retrieve her love's soul.

Blurb: (Elemental Phoenix) Anastasia Byrd has finally gotten her life back together, but when her past and Phoenix powers surface again--she is left struggling just to survive.

The last book I read was the final book in the Iron Fey series, Iron Warrior. The book that epitomizes me as a reader is probably either The Shiver series or Silver Kiss--both are my all time favorites (vampires and werewolves lol).

I can be found on here or my other email, I am also on twitter: @cielorayn.

Dec 10, 2015, 11:10:47 AM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA
Genre: Fantasy
Blurb: Morgan is an assassin trained to kill the monsters living on the surface of the earth. But life becomes more complicated when he learns the monsters aren't who he thought they were.

Last book I loved: Carry On by Rainbow Rowell :)

Book(s) that epitomize me as a reader: Harry Potter and anything by Cassandra Clare.


Dec 10, 2015, 11:47:04 AM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA

Blurb: As the daughter of world-famous actors, Holly Reynolds' life has always been splashed across every news outlet for the world to see and judge. Now, at seventeen, she's decided to strike out from her family's acting legacy to change the way the world sees her and make a name for herself.

(I'm a little more than half way through the first draft and hope to be done by the end of January. I've written tons of stories/books in the past, but this one has attached itself to my brain.)

Not agented, but I'm serious about writing and about querying this year. I'd love a crit partner that will help push me towards that goal.

Genre: Mostly contemporary, but I'm playing with a a fantastical edge (i.e. where one's attraction/fame is actually a result of a kind of electric magic that burns inside of you and then eventually destroys you). My other stories tend to lie more in the realm of urban fantasy (in the way that Sinner does).

Last book I read that I loved: Six of Crows. I loved the characters and how they both built themselves up and destroyed themselves with their decisions.

Book that epitomizes me as a writer: The Darkest Part of the Forest. I loved the uniqueness of the characters in this book, and the way the story was weaved in on so many different levels. It felt so real, even with the fantasy elements.

Looking for in a crit partner: I'm very character-focused, and I tend to be more attracted to stories that are character-driven, particularly by characters whose decisions/mistakes are what is driving the plot. As a writer, I write pretty quickly and I write a lot and I try not to go backwards in a first draft, and then I try to streamline it all later into what I actually want to say. I am a bit obsessed with Alan Watt's writing manual "The 90-Day Novel", and am looking forward to using "The 90-Day Revision" to revise my current draft when it's done.

If you think we'd make a great match, contact me at rdonahue88 [at]

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Dec 10, 2015, 12:31:27 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA
Genre: Fantasy (I also have a sci-fi short story I'd love to have some eyes on!)

Blurb: In a world where no one can stay awake at night, Asher wakes up and meets someone that will change her life.

Agent: None. I'm hoping to do Pitch Wars next year, or else query. I'm currently an MFA student at the Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Last Book I Loved: SIX OF CROWS by Leigh Bardugo. I also adored UPROOTED by Naomi Novik as well as AN EMBER IN THE ASHES by Sabaa Tahir.

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: THE SCORPIO RACES, Maggie Stiefvater.

You can contact me either by this e-mail or on Twitter at @papereader. I will very likely have a finished draft of this novel done by the end of this month (that's my goal).

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Dec 10, 2015, 1:06:17 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA (MC is 17, other characters are between 16-19)
Genre: Historical Fantasy (takes place in 1911)
Blurb: After an unfortunate incident involving a pair of sewing shears flying into her boss's neck, Frances Hallowell is taken to a mysterious school for gifted young ladies. Think A Great and Terrible Beauty meets Boardwalk Empire?
Agented?: Not yet, I met an agent completely by accident at a signing. She's interested in my project, but my manuscript isn't finished, so I haven't begun officially querying yet.
Last Book I loved: The Wrath and The Dawn by Renee Ahdieh
Book that epitomizes me as a reader? This is difficult, probably A Great and Terrible Beauty, Code Name Verity, or The Grisha Trilogy. I love books with complex human relationships, swoony romance, and world building you can get lost in.

In a critique partner I'm looking for someone who can be honest about what's working and what's not. I'm also looking for someone reliable and doesn't mind the occasional gif-filled email. I'm also not necessarily looking for someone who is also writing fantasy (if you are, that's great! But my current partner writes YA contemporary romance)

If you feel we might be a good fit, feel free to email me at

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Dec 10, 2015, 3:26:01 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA
Genre: Dystopian/Fantasy

Blurb: When the sun sets for the first time in eighteen years, Jax Callahan finds himself running from a fate that has been coming, unbeknownst, for him his entire life.

Extra Info: Has multiple POVs and two 'main' characters, though it'd be a bit of a disservice to suggest the other characters with POV chapters are any less important or less 'main' in relation to the story.

Agent: None yet.
Last book I loved: Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas or Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Epitomizes Me as a Reader: I can't think of anything specific right now, because my mind is full of the Throne of Glass series, but I like books with well-developed worlds, a touch of magic, and characters with sharp tongues.

Contact: or

Note: This is a project I am co-writing with a friend (where the whole co-writing a novel situation worked out perfectly for us). I come as a two-in-one package. We are, what the Internet kids say these days, co-pilots so we're very, very similar in interests. So chances are if you find things I've written here interesting, you will also find her interesting.

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Dec 10, 2015, 3:48:49 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
(edited because apparently it doesn't show my whole email and that's kind of important.)

Age Range: Probably YA (characters start in their early teens and age as the series goes on).
Genre: Fantasy

Blurb: A shipwrecked girl with no memories meets a boy who talks to the sea and discovers a world full of odd creatures, bad luck, worse luck, snarky shadows, and stories that could save or ruin everything. (This is book one of what will likely be a trilogy.)

I'm not published and don't have an agent, but I've finished a first draft (the ending is very rough) and am hoping to get it cleaned up so I can start querying. I'm looking for critique partners who can give me some big-picture feedback at first, then hopefully getting into more detailed feedback down the road.

Favorite recent books: Uprooted by Naomi Novik, The Watchmaker of Filigree Street by Natasha Pulley, Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff, Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Books that epitomize me as a reader: The Fall of Ile-Rien trilogy by Martha Wells, the Chrestomanci series by Diana Wynne Jones, pretty much everything by Robin McKinley, pretty much everything by Terry Pratchett, pretty much everything by Neil Gaiman. (There are too many, I couldn't pick just one.) Also I love all of Maggie's books, with The Scorpio Races being my favorite.

If it sounds like we might work well together, send me an email at

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Dec 10, 2015, 4:31:16 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
*I'm re-posting this with an edit/addition I realized was important to note*

Age Range and Genre:YA Fantasy (light)

Blurb: This is a story about a girl whose country is dying from a disease which causes them to age rapidly, among other--and maybe more destructive--things. When the MC comes across the opportunity to reverse all this, she has to decide whether or not going through with it is worth it. Or if she'll survive it.

Agent Status: We (and I say WE, because this is a CO-AUTHORED manuscript with my husband, though I would be the only person you'd be working with. If you have questions about this, please feel free to ask) don't have representation for this book yet, but I plan to start querying it in the spring of 2016.

Last book I read and loved: An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

Book that epitomizes me as a reader: *JUST ONE?!* Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi. A lot of movement, action, an interesting but not unimaginable world, super strong main characters, and a great romance (or two).


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Dec 10, 2015, 5:05:02 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA

Genre: Contemporary Portal Fantasy

Blurb: All Meredith Royale wants is a quiet vacation with her friends - but arousing the suspicions of fae comes with a price.

Agent: None. Casually querying.

Last Book I loved: The Fourth Channel by Jen L Kirchner

Epitomizes Me as A Reader: My favorite book of all time is Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine. Other faves include: Harry Potter, Sarah Dessen, The Black Jewels Trilogy, and Julia Quinn.

Contact email:

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Dec 10, 2015, 5:35:07 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup

My e-mail is kristin.brophy(at)vcfa(dot)edu. Sorry about any confusion!

Jenn Thornton

Dec 10, 2015, 7:07:39 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age: YA

Genre: Contemporary Fantasy (that dabbles with Dystopian Fantasy)

Blurb: After recent discovery of a supernatural, war-threatened society, the Arcane, James struggles with prophetic nightmares as Jill fights to return home. They and their friends--the last Coven of witches--must stop the power-crazed and desperate from fulfilling a genocidal prophecy; the cost is greater than pain.
(The first book of a trilogy, it is finished and currently undergoing a nearly-completed, first-round edit.)

Status: Unrepresented. (It would be great to partner with someone agented; I'm looking for someone with more experience that would be willing to offer advice beyond the writing critique. However, I'm willing to work with anyone, agented or not.)

Books: One of my favorite books (because of the sentiment and the influence) is The Secret Circle by L.J. Smith; I read it when I was young and it guaranteed my love of writing/reading. What epitomizes me as a reader is somewhere between Crime and Punishment by Dostoyevsky, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, and The Mortal Instruments by Cassandra Clare; I love inner conflicts mixed with social criticisms and magical fantasy.


Dec 10, 2015, 7:17:47 PM12/10/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA (the protagonists are all in their late teens)

Genre: Scifi/Fantasy (Moderate)

Agent: None, I want to be more confident in my draft before I start querying.

Blurb: Jayden Ries is a smart-alec misfit whose life simultaneously comes together and falls apart when he meets two two strangers that open his eyes to his true identity.

Last Book I loved: Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas

Epitomizes me as a reader: Literally anything by Tamora Pierce, Sarah J. Maas, or Cassandra Clare

Contact me at:

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Dec 11, 2015, 12:00:18 AM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: My work is YA Urban Fantasy!

Blurb: Morgan sold her soul to the devil for a singing voice when she was thirteen. Now he needs a favor.

I'm not agented or published yet. I already have one critique partner, but we'd love more people to work with, either agented or not!

The last book I loved was Empire of Shadows by Miriam Forster. What epitomizes me as a reader is both Graceling and The Raven Boys, because they both display a solid sense of world building and amazing grasp of character.

You can contact me at

Dec 11, 2015, 12:21:11 AM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA/NA

Genre: Romance set in Post-Collapse/Far Future

Agent: I am unagented and not looking.

Last Book I Loved: Mary Pearson's Heart of Betrayal

Epitomizes Me as a Reader: Kiss of Deception/Heart of Betrayal

Contact: e-mail me at

Dec 11, 2015, 8:35:20 AM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
This sounds really interesting! Would you be interested in a swap?

Dec 11, 2015, 8:37:22 AM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
This sounds really interesting to me, would you be interested in a swap?

Dec 11, 2015, 8:40:33 AM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age: YA (probably 15+)

Genre: Fantasy/Mystery

Blurb: Nancy Drew meets Graceling. Lily must overcome PTSD to solve a series of murders on an isolated island. Set in an entirely fictional quasi steam-punk 19th century world where magic (based on the 4 classical elements) takes the place of science and your abilities dictate your place in society.

Agent: None. Not ready to query as I'm still working on it.

Last book I loved: Half Bad.

Me as a Reader: Anything Richard Morgan, Emma Newman or China Mieville.

I think I'd like working with someone who was also still writing as I wouldn't feel like I was holding things up.

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Dec 11, 2015, 9:24:06 AM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hi, I'm Raven and I'm interested in trying to work together :). I too am trying to finish my wip this month. Your email wasn't working though.

Dec 11, 2015, 10:30:05 AM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA

Genre: Historical Fantasy

Blurb: 17th-century Europe is on the brink of war and three mysterious sisters are key to recovering an almost faded magic that can decide the fate of the world. (Alternate historical setting, 3 POVs, 3 different storylines, first book in a trilogy)

Unagented, MS is currently unfinished but hoping to have it complete in the next month or so and then I'll be preparing to query in 2016.

Last YA fantasy book(s) I loved: Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas

Epitomises me as a reader: His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman - a big, complex world and a plot that involves some big philosophical/theological issues, but with an emphasis on character and great prose.

Email: and Twitter @rosemariepip

Dec 11, 2015, 10:59:45 AM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age range: Upper YA

Genre: High Fantasy (secondary world)

Blurb: A trans assassin hired to kill a thief ends up promising to help him bring his sister back from the dead.

Agented: am querying

Last book I loved: Six of Crows, by Leigh Bardugo

Epitomizes me as a reader: The Nightrunners Series, by Lynn Flewelling. Also Trickster's Choice and Trickster's Queen, by Tamora Pierce

I love fast-paced adventure stories! But please note that I'm not really the right person for sci-fi. You can reach me at

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Dec 11, 2015, 1:12:09 PM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Age Range: YA. Characters are 16-19.

Genre: Fantasy - specifically a Fairytale retelling

Blurb: Little Red Riding Hood meets Throne of Glass - an assassin must steal the blood of her victims to survive and stop the Wolf.

Agent: None.

Last book I read and loved: Heir of Fire by Sarah J Mass

Books that epitomize me as a reader: LOOOOVE anything by Neil Gaiman and Sarah J Mass, also a big fan of Laini Taylor's 'Daughter of Smoke and Bone.'


Dec 11, 2015, 1:29:55 PM12/11/15
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hi, I saw your post and I think it's a trait cool concept would love to see if we are a good fit.
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