Beta Readers for Queer Werewolf Fantasy Book

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Beck Blackthorn

Jun 13, 2024, 5:20:16 PMJun 13
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hi! I've posted here a few times and have gotten great partners and beta readers. I'm once again looking for readers to help me with a new project.

97K Adult Queer Fantasy
All for the Game X Shiver 

Warner Morrow is an ex-werewolf hunting werewolf on the run from his hunter moms who want to torture and use him to keep killing werewolves. After a year on the run, he's finally found his salvation: a college hockey team made up of werewolves that will give him wolfsbane in exchange for playing with them. Warner joins the team to hide and to avoid Turning every night, but his past is catching up to him the longer he stays. The Crescent Gang is the biggest and most powerful werewolf pack in the country and they have a hockey team of their own. When Adam Volkov, the son of the mob boss Alpha, comes to visit the team and his former player and cousin, Reese Russell, Warner recognizes him as the wolf who bit and Turned him after Warner killed his little sister. Luckily, Adam doesn't recognize Warner, yet. He wants to run again, but he's tired of running and tired of Turning. His team captain, Ian Del Castillo, convinces him to stay, giving him more than one reason to stop running and to stand his ground against the wolf who wants his life. He must decide if he should risk his life on the run or risk his life on a team.

I would love feedback on this within two weeks - a month and would love a critique partner to work on this project with me long-term, helping it to get to its final version. At this moment, I'm looking for feedback on the overall story--if it is engaging or if anything feels missing from the story or characters.

As a beta reader/critique partner, I love giving detailed plot, structure, and character feedback. I'm great at asking deep questions to help your writing be the best it can be. I also love brainstorming to figure any ideas out. I plan to query this project and I can help others in the same journey with query letters and synopses as well. I'd prefer partners who also write within the fantasy realm, preferably but not limited to queer fantasy. I read both YA and Adult as well.

Beck (they/them)

Sheik Nao

Jun 18, 2024, 2:09:09 PMJun 18
to Critique Partner Matchup


Thought your project sounded really interesting, and as another Queer fantasy writer I wanted to see if you were interested in being critique partners. If not, no worries and best of luck on your project!

I'm still learning critiquing, but I love giving and talking about the same things you mentioned in feedback, plot, structure, characters. Along with talking about ideas. I'm not querying mine, I just want it to be the best it can be, cause I've been developing it and writing and rewriting it for a few years. But I'm still happy to help with query letters if I can. Happy to work on this long term, too. Mine is also a wip, about 2/3 of the way done, and a bit longer.

Description: Marcos moves from his home on Celora to the capital city of Ecrin with his sister at 16. Where they will train to be Ordinators, soldiers of the Church, following in the footsteps of their grandfather, who helped build this city.

That's all well and good. Marcos has a big heart. He wants to help people. He wants to make his family proud. Except, maybe everything he's been taught about magic being sacrilege is suddenly confusing when illegal magic items are smuggled into the city and on top of that there's a whole bunch of missing kids the government isn't looking for. 

And because he can't catch a break, he meets a 14-year old runaway who's brilliantly talented at making his life harder.

I do have to warn for some heavier themes and violence.

Again, best of luck, have a great day!

-Percy (They/He)
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