Seeking Critique Partner

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Hannah Dadd

Dec 28, 2024, 10:25:21 PM12/28/24
to Critique Partner Matchup
Seeking critique partner for an NA romance sci-fi crossover novel which is 70,000 words. Comps: Fourth Wing meets ready player one.

I have previously worked with an agent before, but I'm currently unagented. I'm looking for honest feedback. I've had several critique partners before. I'm looking to swap chapter by chapter, on roughly a weekly basis, and I am an avid reader and keen critique partner who provides in-line comments and overall feedback.

Sarah T (Salmon)

Jan 9, 2025, 7:04:34 PMJan 9
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hello! I am also looking for a critique partner. I am working on a NA Fantasy Adventure/Romance. and am at 90K words. Would you like to exchange first chapters to see if we are a good fit?

Chris Coleman

Jan 10, 2025, 4:01:10 PMJan 10
to Critique Partner Matchup

I'm also looking for a critique partner for a MG/YA fantasy novel. Looking to review chapters first for me, but I'm happy to read whatever you have.

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