Looking for CP interested in Urban Fantasy revenge/redemption stories

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Savannah Bard

Nov 24, 2018, 7:24:02 PM11/24/18
to Critique Partner Matchup

My name is Savannah, and I'm currently rewriting the second draft of my WIP The Alexei Affair, an Urban Fantasy in a fictional world similar in time and setting to our own. The intended audience is the older end of YA readers (think Illuminae Files/Six of Crows/Raven Cycle [note: I'm not comparing quality here just content!]). It's told in 1st-person POV, alternating amongst my three MCs. It needs to be said that LGBT+ characters are prominent in this series. One of my MCs is pan, another is ace, and some tertiary and antagonist characters are LGBT, too. There's nothing gratuitous but relationships important to my MCs and the story will not be glossed over. 
Without going into too much detail, this is a mystery/revenge story so expect violence and dark themes in places. I think that about covers the important story details. As far as partnering, I'm happy to go on a chapter trade basis or exchanging whole stories when available. Whatever feels most efficient since everyone and every story is different. Let me know if you think we'd be a good match!

Happy Writing, all!



Nov 29, 2018, 11:14:37 PM11/29/18
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hey, I'm looking for a critique partner as well. I'm in the middle of two WIPs (can't decide which one I want to write). One's contemporary (leaning towards adult) and one's paranormal/urban fantasy with an f/f romance (YA), so if you're interested email me at preethipanathpur(at)gmail(dot)com.


Dec 5, 2018, 2:46:19 PM12/5/18
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hey! Your book sounds awesome (I love revenge stories and am writing one as well). My MS is a dark YA contemporary thriller but as a reader I'm into fantasy too. If you're interested we can exchange chapters over e-mail, mine is spo8718 @ gmail.com


Dec 10, 2018, 4:38:07 PM12/10/18
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hi Savannah, if you're still looking for a partner, it sounds like we might be a good match. My current story is urban fantasy and many of the characters are LGBTQ+. I wouldn't necessarily call it dark, but it's on the older end of YA, and deals with more mature themes. I'm currently revamping the last 50 pages or so, but 75% of the latest draft is done and ready to be critiqued. If you're interested, you can shoot me an email at cayleighhickey*gmail.com (replace * with @). Best of luck!

Adorne Sibley

Jun 11, 2024, 8:30:16 PMJun 11
to Critique Partner Matchup
Hi Savannah 
Are you still looking for critique partners?

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