Just read Steve Rubenstien piece @ SFGate

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Apr 14, 2007, 12:45:49 PM4/14/07
to Critical Manners Ride SF
I whole heartedly agree with the philosophy behind this ride. When I
see other cyclist being scofflaws I feel a personal affront. When
others ignore the rules of the road I feel it puts me additionally at
risk, both cyclists and motorist need to have well defined
expectations of how each other will conduct themselves on the road.

I'll try to be there in May.


Apr 14, 2007, 7:58:50 PM4/14/07
to Critical Manners Ride SF
I'm glad to see so many cyclists feel as I do. It's up to us to take
the reputation of cycling and cyclists into our own hands again and
improve that reputation.

jim g

May 8, 2007, 2:21:45 PM5/8/07
to Critical Manners Ride SF
Hi, I just joined this group and thought I'd offer an introduction...

On Apr 14, 9:45 am, "Inglo" <schiggiddy-sig...@yahoo.com> wrote:

The above paragraph nicely sums up the feelings of frustration I've
had regarding Critical Mass and scofflaw cyclists in general. Put
another way, I call it "Stealing the Right Of Way", which I think
people do because they know they can get away with it in the short
term, ignoring the larger-picture/long-term effects of their actions.
In the end, everyone suffers: cyclists, autos, and pedestrians alike.

I work in Sunnyvale and don't normally make it back to SF before
7-8pm, but at some point I will plan to leave early so I can take part
in a Manners ride!

Thanks *very* much to the original organizer of this ride!!!

-Jim G


May 10, 2007, 10:32:59 AM5/10/07
to Critical Manners Ride SF
Hi Jim,

welcome to our ride. We hope to see you join us sometime soon, and I
hope that you'll chime in with your thoughts & ideas frequently here
on the group page.

Best regards,

P.S. You're welcome. :)

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