IMF and usury, poors are poorer

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François de Siebenthal

Mar 2, 2011, 2:22:42 AM3/2/11
Margit Kennedy:

No Anglo-American economist has
come close to countering the scam of usury --  losery
-- as has Dr. Margit Kennedy.   Her empirical findings
simply wipe the field of all opposition.   In Germany the
poorest 80% pay 1 billion Euros in interest to the richest 
10% PER DAY. Yes, that's right, one billion euros per day.
That is a grand  total of 365 billion euro's per year. That
is one seventh of German GDP and  extrapolating this
to America, the poorest 80% must be paying at least a 
trillion a year. (Migchels)

Kennedy   Why Do We Need Monetary Innovation?
Anthony Migchels:  When the bank creates some money by
giving you a loan, it takes the money  out of circulation when
you repay. Repaying debts means a diminishing money  supply.
The banks only provide the principal, in our previous example
200k.  But after thirty years, 600k has been repaid and only
200k was created. So  how can this be? How can 600k be
repaid by 200k?

It can't. Somebody else needs to get into debt to create sufficient
liquidity to pay the 400k interest. And the borrower of the original
 loan must start competing for this liquidity with everybody else
 to obtain that, intrinsically scarce, cash.

This means that because of the combination of debt and interest,
the money supply must grow forever. But we know that a growing
money supply is the definition of inflation and that inflation is
closely linked to rising prices.

So inflation is inherent in the system. This sounds strange,
because Central Banks raise interest rates to lower inflation,
reasoning less credit will be issued because of rising prices
for it. But the higher the interest rates  go, the more money
 must be created to pay for this interest.

Just one of the perverse side effects of interest in the
current wealth  transfer system we call 'finance'.
George:  Speculators buy the land cheap, then as the land
is developed they charge rent becoming the wealthy elite
 is the city grows and land rent increases.  Note that as
homes are foreclosed and government sells off government
 lands the new owners are foreign bankers or "ex-pat"
international speculators of the American upper loop. 
George  Progress and Poverty

Loans from banks are a flow.  So many million are loaned each month.
Payments to banks are also a flow.  So much principal and so much interest
repaid each month.

If there are no boom periods alternating with bust periods, the flow of
loans injected will be equal to the amount of principal being paid off.  The
interest on the loans will be the net drain on the economy.

The net drain causes the recession.  This is solved by either government
spending -- usually a war  which actually involves more payment of interest
later on  -- which is not a solution.  

Or else it is solved by liquidation of all debtors and the lender gaining
control of everyone's homes or other collateral on their loans.  And the
people get to start off with a clean slate, starting again as a nation of
powerless street people.

from Eastman.

How to open local banks with local new currency but without any interest ?
How to create and share surpluses ?

Comment créer et partager les surplus:

Avec mes meilleurs voeux notamment pour une bonne santé

Une bonne idée reçue. A l’origine de tout message,  il y a un homme ou une femme, qui a pris le temps et la peine de nous écrire. Il nous est très agréable de lui confirmer l’avoir bien reçu. Autrefois, cela se faisait par une poignée de main ou un sourire de remerciement. 

François de Siebenthal
Economiste MBA HEC Lausanne et lic. és sc. iur.
14, ch. des Roches
CH 1010 Lausanne
Suisse, Switzerland

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