Repent, Completely trust in God only and, Love Him with all of your heart.

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Apr 20, 2007, 5:38:24โ€ฏPM4/20/07
to Creation vs Evolution
If you are an atheist, please read the section below with the title
"Why Atheism and Evolution are not good ideas."

All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever.


1. Repent (be truly sorry for your sins and do your best to stop

2. Trust completely in the Lord only, and do not trust in your own

3. Love the Lord your God with all of your heart.

The Lord sent His only Son (the Lord Jesus Christ), to suffer and die
on the cross, to pay for the sins of those who trust in Him. His blood
poured out, and it can clean away our sins. He was buried, then lived
again after three days. Human works and Human efforts cannot save your
soul. The gift of God is eternal life to those who completely trust in

Human beings are totally corrupt, but thankfully the Lord owns and
controls all things. If He did not decide to save us from our sins, we
will all be in Hell. Thank the Lord if He has chosen you unto
salvation, and if His Spirit has transformed your "heart" so that you
can trust in Him.

By the way, Spontaneous Generation is impossible. Therefore, God
created the heaven and the earth, including all living things. Those
who do not believe in God must also repent.

Repent, Trust, and Love. The Lord's will be done.

You may distribute or share this article for the glory of the Lord.


Why Atheism and "Evolution" are not good ideas:

A. Spontaneous generation is impossible.
B. Science cannot create nor totally destroy energy/matter. All honest
physicists know that the universe is not permanent, and it surely had
a beginning.
C. Science cannot "resurrect" the clinically dead.
D. There is order in the universe, not "random chaos" nor "chances."
Also, there is only one universe.
E. All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever.
Atheism is terribly risky.
F. Humans have a conscience, morals, and advanced intelligence,
different from animals or beasts.
G. Mutations are harmful and deadly, not useful as "evolution"
requires. Cancer is an example of a mutation.
H. There is strong evidence of a global flood in the past, when layers
were formed quickly and catastrophically.
I. Livings things are amazingly complex, including cells, many of
which appear more "advanced" than modern space shuttles. Either the
"aliens" designed humans, or a super-natural God did.
J. Scientists cannot agree on the age of the Earth. There is strong
evidence that the Earth is only thousands of years old.
K. Archaeology and history prove that humanity has been here for only
thousands of years (4000-6000 years).
L. Fossils reveal "large versions" of modern-day creatures. There were
dragonfiles with wing spans 3 feet long, which lived in the past.
M. Evolution is highly questionable, and is a myth. The evolutionary
ideas that "fishes grew legs," and "mice grew wings" sound mythical.
Also, the theory must include "other creatures" such as the centaur
(human-horse), mermaids, chimeras, fire-breathing comodo dragons, and
gryphons (lion-like eagles).
N. Scientists can use fraudulent or "biased" data. They cannot be
O. DNA is a language. Languages require Intelligence. Therefore, an
Intelligent Being made the DNA (language).
P. Other reasons.


There is absolutely NO REASON why a happy and intelligent Theist
(believer in God) should abandon his faith in the Lord.

If an atheist refuses to trust in the Lord, it's NOT God's loss and
it's NOT the Theist's loss. The Lord and the true believers live
happily together whether people believe in them or not.


Definition of terms:

1. Atheist - a person who believes that there is no God.

2. Agnostic - a person who is not sure if God exists or not.

3. Theist - believer in God.

4. Infidel, Unfaithful theist or a Doubter - A theist who is disloyal
or disobedient, or has doubts about the Lord's actions.

Atheists and theists are fundamentalists. They are "sure" of what they
believe in. Since there is the strong possibility that God exists,
atheism is nonsense.



May 21, 2007, 12:52:22โ€ฏPM5/21/07
to Creation vs Evolution

ฮŸ/ฮ— Secret ฮญฮณฯฮฑฯˆฮต:

> Why Atheism and "Evolution" are not good ideas:
> A. Spontaneous generation is impossible.

No, it is improbable.

> B. Science cannot create nor totally destroy energy/matter. All honest
> physicists know that the universe is not permanent, and it surely had
> a beginning.

No, we know that spacetime has to have a beginning. The universe can
be permanent.

> C. Science cannot "resurrect" the clinically dead.


> D. There is order in the universe, not "random chaos" nor "chances."
> Also, there is only one universe.

Unproved. Speculations exist, but nothing has been proven. Quantum
mechanics disagree.

> E. All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever.
> Atheism is terribly risky.

What if you have picked the wrong religion? You're just making Allah
angrier and angrier.

> F. Humans have a conscience, morals, and advanced intelligence,
> different from animals or beasts.

A lot of atheists would prove this wrong.

> G. Mutations are harmful and deadly, not useful as "evolution"
> requires. Cancer is an example of a mutation.

No, cancer is the incontrollable mitosis of cells. Mutation is a
change in the alleles and the DNA. Also, not all mutations are deadly.
Most are, but not all.

> H. There is strong evidence of a global flood in the past, when layers
> were formed quickly and catastrophically.

No. That's affirming the consequent.

> I. Livings things are amazingly complex, including cells, many of
> which appear more "advanced" than modern space shuttles. Either the
> "aliens" designed humans, or a super-natural God did.

No. Refuted again and again.

> J. Scientists cannot agree on the age of the Earth. There is strong
> evidence that the Earth is only thousands of years old.

Not if you take evolution into account.

> K. Archaeology and history prove that humanity has been here for only
> thousands of years (4000-6000 years).

That's just because script was invented only 4000-6000 years ago.

> L. Fossils reveal "large versions" of modern-day creatures. There were
> dragonfiles with wing spans 3 feet long, which lived in the past.

They look like them, but genotypes disagree.

> M. Evolution is highly questionable, and is a myth. The evolutionary
> ideas that "fishes grew legs," and "mice grew wings" sound mythical.

Yes, it does. Evolution does not work that way, though.

> Also, the theory must include "other creatures" such as the centaur
> (human-horse), mermaids, chimeras, fire-breathing comodo dragons, and
> gryphons (lion-like eagles).

If these creatures existed, they would have to be still here today, as

> N. Scientists can use fraudulent or "biased" data. They cannot be
> trusted.

There's no need to trust them. The experiments can be repeated easily.
Also, "data" is always evidence. No presuppositions.

> O. DNA is a language. Languages require Intelligence. Therefore, an
> Intelligent Being made the DNA (language).

DNA is a string of chemicals. Some of it was bad, it didn't develop.
Some was good, it did.

> P. Other reasons.
> ---------------
> There is absolutely NO REASON why a happy and intelligent Theist
> (believer in God) should abandon his faith in the Lord.

Yes. That's why there are theistic evolutionists. Also, let us not
forget that IQ is inversely proportional to faith.

> If an atheist refuses to trust in the Lord, it's NOT God's loss and
> it's NOT the Theist's loss. The Lord and the true believers live
> happily together whether people believe in them or not.
> ---------------

> Atheists and theists are fundamentalists. They are "sure" of what they
> believe in.

You've missed a chapter or two. Very few dogmatic atheists exist
today. Most of them deem God improbable, not impossible.

> Since there is the strong possibility that God exists,
> atheism is nonsense.

I highly doubt that a being that can be perfect, hear, see and create
everything is possible. Also, if the Creator created the Universe (all
that exists) he would have to be out of the Universe, i.e.not exist.


May 31, 2007, 12:19:25โ€ฏAM5/31/07
to Creation vs Evolution

On Apr 20, 5:38 pm, Secret <> wrote:
> If you are an atheist, please read the section below with the title
> "Why Atheism and Evolution are not good ideas."
> All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever.
> Therefore...
> 1. Repent (be truly sorry for your sins and do your best to stop
> sinning).

In order to stop and to not restart you need the template from God on
how to build a community. With out it the odds are low one can repent
for life.

> 2. Trust completely in the Lord only, and do not trust in your own
> self.

No trust Jesus as he is the example and God is the God that has not
the need to be example like Jesus had the need to be example. Fololow
the correct being!

> 3. Love the Lord your God with all of your heart.

No! Love all with all your heart and so by doing it you be like God
over fools that worship God but know him not or what he is exactly for
they say Worship the vague and foggy thing we claim as God.

> The Lord sent His only Son (the Lord Jesus Christ), to suffer and die
> on the cross, to pay for the sins of those who trust in Him. His blood
> poured out, and it can clean away our sins. He was buried, then lived
> again after three days. Human works and Human efforts cannot save your
> soul. The gift of God is eternal life to those who completely trust in
> Him.

Jesus was sent to teach and give flesh to the teaching and be example.
He was not sent to suffer for your sins and was sent as example for
you to follow and not just claim saved like a fool and not follow! He
was not burried! He was toumbed up! Human recording the life of the
individual from birth to death does in fact make a copy of the soul!
The gift of God is life on Earth and a death of ashes to ashed and
dust to dust as nowhere does life after death be promissed by God. Why
are you lying? Even Jesus teach of recordings and God said he was not
the god of the dead like you want to die and have a god rule you after
in flesh again that is completely not what ether God or Jesus was
speaking of! 144,000 are the chosen to have flesh eternal, not you!

> Human beings are totally corrupt, but thankfully the Lord owns and
> controls all things. If He did not decide to save us from our sins, we
> will all be in Hell. Thank the Lord if He has chosen you unto
> salvation, and if His Spirit has transformed your "heart" so that you
> can trust in Him.

God told us we were like the straw on the sea and so told us he was
not in control! Humans are!
God tried to kill us! What part of save us from our sins do you think
extinction from God is just like the others he made extinct! We live
because we defied God will to kill us all off!
At least you got the last part correct.

> By the way, Spontaneous Generation is impossible. Therefore, God
> created the heaven and the earth, including all living things. Those
> who do not believe in God must also repent.

No! God was created by the life forms of the past as leader and worthy
to be made king of the kingdom and so is after the big bang not before
it like foolish voodooo mind think like children over the fact of
reality even God lives under.
The Big bang was made by a near colision of two super sized black hole
cores jjust like God showed me and so not like any of you think at
all! God obey laws! He lives in the laws of physics and not in the
fantasies of ape mind too low to use logic or beleive him when he
No God is a living thing made by the big bang and just has a very
large kingdom and is made eternal and imortal by living water that is
living based waters.

> Repent, Trust, and Love. The Lord's will be done.

Who do you mean when you say Lord? Jesus? A master Roman or God?
And when you say God who are you speaking of? fantasy God or the real
one that is father of Jesus and so more alien being than super magical
being outside the very laws of the Univers because lesser mind could
not cope with basics of advanced science?

> You may distribute or share this article for the glory of the Lord.

Sorry but you did not glorify the lord and just said it was... Do you
know the difference?

> ---------------
> Why Atheism and "Evolution" are not good ideas:
> A. Spontaneous generation is impossible.

Sure it is in living things but not like you claim as impossible not
even probable or improbable!

> B. Science cannot create nor totally destroy energy/matter. no point made as God can't ether and nether can the kingdom!

All honest physicists know that the universe is not permanent, and it
surely had

> a beginning. Lies as we know now the Universe is not the Big bang and so just a tiny spark in the universe caused by super sized black hole cores and not by the big bang theory now proven wrong and will be corrected in time to the one that is logical in physics and closer to truth than the impossible one of the big bang that only works after the event and not before were the new answer does for a very long time before and does not brake the laws of physics like the dysfunctional big bang theory in "pre-event factors it can't answer"

> C. Science cannot "resurrect" the clinically dead.

What? Are you just plain a dummy? Electro shock, adrenaline injections
into the heart and dead for 20 minutes children in cold water... why
did you CHOOSE to lie?

> D. There is order in the universe, not "random chaos" nor "chances."

So? Means nothing but stability is found in all things as basic law of

> Also, there is only one universe.

No! We know the Univers of the atoms is not the Universe of stars and
planets as we know the larger state of the Universe is not the bog
bang event that is a tiny event ina series of other such events as
this big bang is solved and is not the lies of the dysfunctions theory
given only 50% right after the fact.

> E. All those who have sinned deserve to suffer in Hell forever.

Jesus say the opposite so why are you being so dumb as to oppose God

> Atheism is terribly risky.
PAUL AND THEN LATER PETER TEACH IT IS NOT! To be good is to be good by
any religion or lack of it so that even athiest can enter for just
being good! READ YOUR BIBLE!

> F. Humans have a conscience, morals, and advanced intelligence,
> different from animals or beasts.

gIVE NOT THE EDUCATION AND NUTURING TO ANY Human for 20 years and they
will live and die as an animal! We stand apart by nuturing and
education and skill teaching and not by birth alone! WE ARE ANIMALS!

> G. Mutations are harmful and deadly, not useful as "evolution"
> requires. Cancer is an example of a mutation.

ARE YOU INSANE TO LIE LIKE THAT? you need to look at birth a lot more!
Mutations in burth reach from hermaphodites to two headed or four
legged or double teeth to sensitive skin to so think of skin it is
like leather... what part of mutations you skipped over to run to
cancer like a blind person not seeing the mutations round you all over
the world! Flowers that never existed now exist and guess what! God
did not do it! we did! Animals that could not exist under God will do
exist today by our will as new creatures all together!

Did you think them pink pig were natural or existed in the past? white
mice roamed the world before we created them?
We make new life forms with new DNA and new future generations all
with your fake God's magical powers. Our God is the living God not the

> H. There is strong evidence of a global flood in the past, when layers
> were formed quickly and catastrophically.

NOT TRUE! In fact all serious expert mock creationist saying Ok where
is the water? it just ran off the planet? But a comet hit the Earth is
very possible and so would rain for some time and make more water in
the sea but has nothing to do with a God and magical waters that apear
and vanish with out a trace. LOL one of the thing most stupid of
creationist that can't do the simple look no other planet's worth of
water making it impossible for it to come and go! So a lie strait out!
No world flood ever took place on the scale given by creationist EVER!

> I. Livings things are amazingly complex, including cells, many of
> which appear more "advanced" than modern space shuttles. Either the
> "aliens" designed humans, or a super-natural God did.

ARE YOU LYING AGAIN? Not complex to complex is law of evolution proven
in fosils as no man was in the cambrian age just lesser life forms
easy to change because they had no imunity systems at all permiting
mixings of all kinds that made the species just like God teach me.

> J. Scientists cannot agree on the age of the Earth. There is strong
> evidence that the Earth is only thousands of years old.

There is no evidence at all on any level on any scale that the Earth
is anything less than 4.2 billion years old! Now even older by
evidence. Only a liar claims other and calls God a liar also in the
act for God teach not this kind of dumn ape thingking but to look at
the different versions to see the wide birth given in the stories.. or
do creationist call Mark a liar because his story of Jesus is not
exactly like the one of John or Mathew? This God mocking you
creationist with his own teaching to not be like you and live in lies
but to see the truth from the story you are not permitted to claim as
litteral by god own teachings! Shame on you to lie like that and not
know better from your own God and book in your hands saying not to!

> K. Archaeology and history prove that humanity has been here for only
> thousands of years (4000-6000 years).

Liar! We have much older cultures and fossils and even buildings! The
sphinx is older than 17thousand years built by Humans! India has
writings over 7thousand uears old! They had boats and traded with
Egyptians long before the ice age!
Creationist jus tlike lies and doom and gloom from God that hates
liars in his name against his holy spirit that is to not be like
Creationist that because are firm in the choice shall be broken off
and shunned by God's kingdom for having lies against God and so
unworthy to enter.

> L. Fossils reveal "large versions" of modern-day creatures. There were
> dragonfiles with wing spans 3 feet long, which lived in the past.

All creatures of the past have large and smaller versions! da! Did not
do your homework?

> M. Evolution is highly questionable, and is a myth.

Liar! IT WAS A THEORY AND IT WAS PROVEN! Your effort to disoby God is
not a myth ether and doom is your reward for lies on lies in the face
of God the just and true teachings in many version so lies would not
be in him but in you alone!

The evolutionary ideas that "fishes grew legs," and "mice grew wings"
sound mythical.

But are true! My flying squirl is just an example of how to glide
became flight in some and how the wind could blow off they with more
hair and eventually got control and became flying insects just as
birds are traced back to flightless creatures that jumped a lot and
ran a lot in effort to escape different kinds of predators and by lack
of imunity factors all they eat became part of them! So they eate
insects that could fly and the DNA changed to alter them to fly as
well as the imune system became active such bindings we stopped.

> Also, the theory must include "other creatures" such as the centaur

Eh? You want to include myths? why are you being so dumb for?

> (human-horse), mermaids, chimeras, fire-breathing comodo dragons, and
> gryphons (lion-like eagles).

No! none of them need to exist as none of them ever existed and none
of them are anything but stories and all real animals just don't have
stories but history as myths do not! so why are you lying for with out
reason to lie?

> N. Scientists can use fraudulent or "biased" data. They cannot be
> trusted.

You are using plain out lies that can't be accepted!

> O. DNA is a language. Languages require Intelligence. Therefore, an
> Intelligent Being made the DNA (language).

No evolution builds on less to more making you effort to lie pointless
dribble of an ape mind wanting to make ape claims before one of God
just and true exposing you as liar.

> P. Other reasons.
> ---------------
> There is absolutely NO REASON why a happy and intelligent Theist
> (believer in God) should abandon his faith in the Lord.
> If an atheist refuses to trust in the Lord, it's NOT God's loss and
> it's NOT the Theist's loss. The Lord and the true believers live
> happily together whether people believe in them or not.

You need to read a Bible in your life as God make no line of beleiver
or not! He makes a line of laws and who obey or not! You lie!

> ---------------
> Definition of terms:
> 1. Atheist - a person who believes that there is no God.
> 2. Agnostic - a person who is not sure if God exists or not.
> 3. Theist - believer in God.
> 4. Infidel, Unfaithful theist or a Doubter - A theist who is disloyal
> or disobedient, or has doubts about the Lord's actions.

(Creationists that lie in his name for no reason than to disobey god's
will to learn from the story not claim the story exact for none of the
bIble is like that for good reason! so such infedels do not claim
things like the creationist do)


Jun 23, 2007, 2:49:16โ€ฏPM6/23/07
to Creation vs Evolution
I'm at a loss to understand why anyone would bother to post such a
marvelous work of rebuttal to a stream of
second century A.D. You are feeding gems to the swine!

Look here! Assume you were to go back to First century Rome. Imagine
it. Would you have any idea of what 21st century thinking is? To
you, everything is either right or wrong, black or white, truth or
false. What you knew was the "truth" and what the other guy believed
was the "false." ...really primitive.

It looks like we are in the summer doldrums and people find it harder
to think---even the "born-again" do SOME thinking, normally. I guess I
will move on to the various science forums where the "born-again"
congregate out of meanness because that is certainly where they do not


> Liar! We have much older cultures and fossils and even ...

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