I have QUESTIONS about Creation . . .

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Apr 2, 2007, 9:37:10 AM4/2/07
to Creation vs Evolution
What bothers me about "creation" is that it doesn't seem to explain
orgins to me. It is just a blank statement that raises more questions
than it answers. For example, we read "let there be light" but that
just raises a lot of questions, not answers. Did God just LET it
happen or did God ORDER it to happen? After all, letting something
happen does not ensure it WILL happen---not unless it just required
God's permission to actually come about. But how did having
permission to appear manage to CAUSE it to appear? Who or what had
been holding light back awaiting God's permission? If God's
permission was all that was needed, light must have already been
created and just waiting there (where?) for permission to be
materialized. When, then, was it actually first created and by

Or did light just want to be created? If it wanted to, what caused it
to want to? Why would light WANT to be created? Does light have an
"intelligence"? Does it have moral authority and does only what God
tells it to do?

Perhaps God had, instead, given a command. He was not giving
permission but was ordering light to appear. If so, who or what took
the order and fulfilled it? All God had to do was put in an order
while leaving it up to someone or something else to actually create
light and have it on demand. God just "pulled the switch." Who or
what actually "created" the light so it would be there ready for God
when He ordered it?

Or was God ordering Himself to create light? That would mean God
tells Himself what to do! He talks to Himself! I have to ask how
often does God talk to Himself and why? Can't he do something without
having to order Himself to do it?

I realize this is an awful lot of questions, but Hey, you said the
Bible was the answer and I am just asking the questions so you can
give the answers. I am asking you to answer all these questions that
you surely must have answers for.

But, perhaps they are not in the Bible. Perhaps YOU have the
answers. I would surely love to read them. When you have
satisfactorily answered them all from accurate data you have
accumulated from verified investigation and research, please let us
all know as we are all holding our breaths with anticipation!

Charles, http://humanpurpose.simplenet.com


Jun 1, 2007, 4:32:16 AM6/1/07
to Creation vs Evolution
For one thing the STORY of creation is just a story and it is not from
God and God doews not speak in it and he did not force Humans to tell
the story to children for generations before it was written ether. It
is a story from Humans to children as way to explain what all this is.
All cultures have one. So God never spoke any of the words in creation
and no one was there to hear any words. Clear errors in the story defy
laws of physics pointing out the 100% not true factor of it.
God is not God because lower beings thought he had magical powets! God
is God becaue of the path taken and all they that follow to make the
kingdom that is weak and a failliure at this point on this planet with
money worship and very poor constructions as what is passing as
communities and cities.

The teaching is all in hints and clues as to how to build and run a
city or any city in order to make Humans go from the apes they are to
God, doing God work as a unifided planet, and planets to come.

It is all easy stuff but the people of that time were complete
ignorant people on the scales of sceince we know today and so did not
obey or build the cities they should of in the way told to them.

Sukkahs are tiny houses made for one singlew human each. By placing
the sukkas in seals one can build a community and make it perfect in
form in a day! THEN UPGRADE ALWAYS.
Humans did not get it even with hints like the story of Job and the
rainbow or even the Garden sealed off from the world but mostcities
and communities do the exact opposite and beg tourist to come as God
teach to shunn the heck out of them, and hope they don't even try to
get in.
I am the alpha and the omega... the begining and the end/ CIRCLE.

Try seeing the stars as the sphere
The planets sealed into orbits
and anything you look at as a focus point.

the let there be light will be argued God make magical universe
magically implode then explode for no reason or logic to it. Truth is
that the Universe is trillions of times larger than the big bang that
is but a tiny event that is very common in hte infinity and eternity
of the real Universe that is not this big bang event caused by 2 black
hole cores of massif size and of opposite spin came in near contact at
very high near light speeds caused a layer to rise off and be pulled
apart as the two black hole cores moved away from each other... result
is the bog bang as you know it and the explained extra gravity effects
on this big bang event... all is easy and God is inside the laws of
physics and never outside of them!!!
God is same as we would of made on our own as best king of the planet
possible and then find the being that fits the bill best over the
reverse of politics on Earth made to get the worst people in power to
harm the most with slavery of Capitalism over the unity of family.


Jun 23, 2007, 1:04:06 AM6/23/07
to Creation vs Evolution

FIrst of all creation happened so much longer then you can grasp, God
is not like us he is not restrained by time(a thousands years is as is
one day to the Lord)
we think in human terms but what can we say that is all we are.
People think evolution and christanity cannot go hand in hand,
But God has time, he did not create us in the form we are now that
took along time (for I cannot say how long) but at some point in
existence we slimed out of the ocean to become men. just like the sun
was created so much before us.
Do you even comprehend the likeliness of us being where we are if we
were one mile closer to the sun we would not be here, we are in the
exact spot that makes life possible much more then a coincedence I
assure you that


Jun 23, 2007, 12:35:08 PM6/23/07
to Creation vs Evolution

see people think in terms of humans the first sentence states that in
the beginning God created the Heaven and the earth, it did not happen
in a instance of course,( he could have but you appreciate when you
put in effort)
but the moment God decided what was goona be did all start its path to
existance and in our terms that took a very long time. God did not
snap his fingers and poof man became what we are. God has forever he
is in no hurry.


Jun 23, 2007, 4:34:45 PM6/23/07
to Creation vs Evolution
Yes, the Old Testament does not quote either God or Christ and was
merely the most advanced concept of the origin of the universe from
2,000 to 4,000 years ago. Other than that, it is hard to decipher
just what you are writing. It is unclear.
Is your thinking as unclear as your writing or are you having it
translated by computer from another language? That is really not a
good idea because no system is able to satisfactorily translate into

charles, http://humanpurpose.simplenet.com

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