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Dec 30, 2006, 12:12:52 AM12/30/06
to creation-v...@googlegroups.com
There is no contradiction between between creation and evolution. Something can't just come into existence by means of itself. Unless you are a pious Christian who hates the Lord Satin then there is a contradiction. Supposebly the myth of the bible had an accountable witness to the creation of our world which to me doesn't seem very plausible, but thats my belief. The bible states that the earth, woman, and man was created in 6 days. The completion date being that of the sixth day required no further additions to the supposebly permanent state of the world. If you look at the world right now, astutely you can clearly see that the world isn't static, never was, never will be. Human minds, social beliefs, geology, astronomy, anthropology, and biology show evidence supporting the theory of evolution. Read back in history about the intepretation of the geocentric model of earth, and realize that this belief was supported by the Christians who thought the earth was the center of the universe. This belief was backed by the religious thought of heaven and hell. Copernicus if i remember right was the one who challenged the people of the time with his scientific findings of the earth actually revolving around the sun. This model was more accurate, and is called the heliocentric universe. In continuation with that belief remember when the world was supposebly flat, hmmm it made sense for the time being, but as the time generated more impetuous minds people starting accepting the fact that earth really wasn't flat, but in fact round. I understand the importance of religion, it does so much for peoples understanding of the ambiguity that pervades their eyes, but people must realize that religion is just a belief with no evidence. Science doesn't have all the answers either so it relies heavily on evidence to support its theories. Please don't read internet web pages about people trying to debunk evolution. The majority of educated individuals believe the theory of evolution to be a possible explanation of our anscestors. Read a book on evolutionary Anthropolgy or on The birth and death of stars, and calculate the time it takes for a planetary system like the solar system we live in to evolve into its current state. It doesn't take six days. It takes billions of years to come into the current state were in now,and alot of interesting things can happen within that time frame. Religion is for coping, science is for understanding. God I beleive created the earth, but hasn't yet finished with his creation. Hence all the imperfections within our view. The word "flux" gives great depth to your everyday life; you know nothing is going to be permanent. Religion is for coping with the vastness of the mystery before us.


Jan 2, 2007, 11:54:12 PM1/2/07
to Creation vs Evolution
There is no argument that people make mistakes, whether they believe in
God or not. But I never read anywhere in the Bible that God said that
the sun revolved around the earth, or that the earth was flat.
Actually, Isaiah 40:22 "He (God) sits enthroned above the circle (or
curve) of the earth".
And the evidence you speak of which "show evidence supporting the
theory of evolution." isn't that microevolution? I understand that
there are debates concerning the meaning and validity of microevolution
and macroevolution, but the truth is that there is no empirical
evidence of an animal of any kind changing from one species to another.
And from what I've learned there isn't any extra information in, for
instance in a dogs DNA code for wings. That there are no dormant codes
for it to become anything other that what it is, a dog. If an animal
were to be able to change from one species to another, where would the
code come from? Where does the new information derive? There's also no
fossil evidence of one species changing into another. I find it
interesting that we keep finding animals that are suppose to be
millions of years old, and they're still that animal. Like, a bat that
was suppose to be in existence between 54 & 33 mya, was still a bat...
like they are today.
I liked your comment about the length of time it takes for stars to be
born. I think the images that the Hubble has given us are amazing! But
when I create a calendar for the year, I don't have to make one for
every year prior to this one to create one and move forward. It only
takes me a few minutes and I have a calendar for 2007. I don't need to
start at year 1 and work my way up to this year. Likewise, couldn't God
create everything at once and set it up to self perpetuate at a given
rate? I'm sure there are other examples that might make more sense but
I hope the logic of what I'm trying to express is coming through.


Jan 12, 2007, 3:32:38 PM1/12/07
to Creation vs Evolution
Believers love that quote about the circle---NOT curve---of the Earth!
Of course, the Earth is GLOBULAR, not a circle! Also, there is
reference in the Bible to "the ends of the Earth." Does the Earth have
ends? Of course not. But the faithfull say that is not meant
literally. Doesn't the Bible mean exactly what it says? If not, why
not? Why should "The Word of God" have to be "interpreted" and, hence,
confused and a subject always of controversy?
Why wouldn't God speak straight and make things clear so there is no

charles, http://humanpurpose.simplenet.com


Jan 28, 2007, 4:55:40 PM1/28/07
to Creation vs Evolution
Yes my mistake the earth is globular, and do you know why? I think it
was the gravitational pull from the sun and the moon. I talk to a
Christians, they believe the book is the actual word of God so if its
the word of God I would deem it to be infallible. Most believe it to
be the utterances of his words through the channeling of humans. Thats
pretty eerie. Yes the faithful do say its not meant literally when
something of controversy arises, but when its something imperative and
demanding of them they say it's the literal truth. Just like they do
with whole book. By faithful do you mean fundamental?


Jan 28, 2007, 4:46:51 PM1/28/07
to Creation vs Evolution
I never wrote that the bible stated that the sun revolved around the
earth, nor that the earth was flat. I was referring to a historical
context of human beliefs. I wasn't speaking of micro evolution or
macro evolution I was referring to the different areas of science that
credit the application of evolution, and in fact there is much
evidence to support the theory of evolution, "the 40 percent complete
skeleton Lucy and another one of her ancestors from the area who was
90 percent" the 6 million year old Orrorin fossils discovered in Kenya
in 2001, or the 6 - 7 million year old skull discovered in Chad". The
list goes on, and your example of the calendar analogy is quite
illogical. You have no frame of what a calendars use is. The number
2007 is just a stamp for human cognition. I realize that evolution
theory is primitive, and so are your reading skills. Do you have and
education past the high school curriculum, or do you just regurgitate
everything you read while pissing around on the net?

Charles Brough

Jan 30, 2007, 8:11:32 PM1/30/07
to creation-v...@googlegroups.com
Gnosis asks a good question: by "the faithful" do we mean fundamental(ists)?  The people who see themselves as Christians but do not believe in the Biblical "miracles".  They do NOT believe that the world is coming to an end in a huge battle, after which Christ will return and there will be heavon on Earth, but the :"faithful" or Fundamentalists" do.  The "no miracles" people are liberal Christians and their main interest is in our secular system and beliefs. The Fundamentalists are those who believe the Bible is "the inspired Word of God" and, hence, who do believe in the "mircles" and in "The End Times. 
Why is the distinction important?  Because the Fundamentalists are only interested in our secular system in how it benefits them and their faith.  Also, they would have us enter a total nuclear war because they firmly believe in every book of the Bible, including REVELATIONS.  Just as it made sense to Christians in Medieval time to torture people to save their souls, now it makes sense to the Fundamentalists to bring on total war with Islam in order to bring on "The End Times" and thus "The Second Coming." 
People who want peace instead of destruction are having a hard time believing that the Fundamentalists would drag us into such a calamity!  They should get real! 
But the problem is not short term.  It is not going to happen in this Administration or the next.  It is the trend, however, that is alarming.  Religious Reaction, in another fifteen to twenty years could easily lead to a real debacle for the Human race.

gnosis <BrettW...@cox.net> wrote:

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Feb 23, 2007, 5:26:41 PM2/23/07
to Creation vs Evolution
there is a verse in matthew (too lazy to find it right now :p)
thats says - in the end times jesus will come while two people are in
bed, and while people are working the fields.
this shows that jesus will come while people are sleeping and people
are working
sleeping and working at same time, weird huh
but that just shows that these people live in different parts of the
world, so the time difference explains it, while on side of the earth
is day, the other side is night
so it shows that the world is spherical o.k.?

On Jan 30, 5:11 pm, Charles Brough <charlesbrou...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> Gnosis asks a good question: by "the faithful" do we mean fundamental(ists)? The people who see themselves as Christians but do not believe in the Biblical "miracles". They do NOT believe that the world is coming to an end in a huge battle, after which Christ will return and there will be heavon on Earth, but the :"faithful" or Fundamentalists" do. The "no miracles" people are liberal Christians and their main interest is in our secular system and beliefs. The Fundamentalists are those who believe the Bible is "the inspired Word of God" and, hence, who do believe in the "mircles" and in "The End Times.
> Why is the distinction important? Because the Fundamentalists are only interested in our secular system in how it benefits them and their faith. Also, they would have us enter a total nuclear war because they firmly believe in every book of the Bible, including REVELATIONS. Just as it made sense to Christians in Medieval time to torture people to save their souls, now it makes sense to the Fundamentalists to bring on total war with Islam in order to bring on "The End Times" and thus "The Second Coming."
> People who want peace instead of destruction are having a hard time believing that the Fundamentalists would drag us into such a calamity! They should get real!
> But the problem is not short term. It is not going to happen in this Administration or the next. It is the trend, however, that is alarming. Religious Reaction, in another fifteen to twenty years could easily lead to a real debacle for the Human race.
> charles,http://humanpurpose.simplenet.com

> gnosis <BrettWeave...@cox.net> wrote:
> Yes my mistake the earth is globular, and do you know why? I think it
> was the gravitational pull from the sun and the moon. I talk to a
> Christians, they believe the book is the actual word of God so if its
> the word of God I would deem it to be infallible. Most believe it to
> be the utterances of his words through the channeling of humans. Thats
> pretty eerie. Yes the faithful do say its not meant literally when
> something of controversy arises, but when its something imperative and
> demanding of them they say it's the literal truth. Just like they do
> with whole book. By faithful do you mean fundamental?

> ---------------------------------


Apr 9, 2007, 5:17:14 PM4/9/07
to Creation vs Evolution

On Feb 23, 3:26 pm, "><>" <alr34dim0rn...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> there is a verse in matthew (too lazy to find it right now :p)
> thats says - in the end times jesus will come while two people are in
> bed, and while people are working the fields.
> this shows that jesus will come while people are sleeping and people
> are working
> sleeping and working at same time, weird huh
> but that just shows that these people live in different parts of the
> world, so the time difference explains it, while on side of the earth
> is day, the other side is night
> so it shows that the world is spherical o.k.?
> On Jan 30, 5:11 pm, Charles Brough <charlesbrou...@yahoo.com> wrote:

Ok. What does that prove? The use of myth in this group is to be
forbidden because it isn't fact. The logic your trying to convey can
be interpreted differently. There is a verse in proverbs that states
one shall question their own faith to build a more solid foundation
(can't remember where because like you, I'm to lazy to look through
the it). Your statement is in itself an invalid supposition due to the
predominant thoughts that permeated society then. A majority of people
thought the earth was flat. It wasn't until the sails were full of
wind did we manage to tour the rest of the world to find out it was
round. Through the use of science we are able to hypothesize about a
certain question. Then we are able to test this hypothesis through
validations such as gathering evidence to support our theory. This
group is going no where due to the belief you hold. Which is just a
belief and not fact. Science will always prevail over beliefs.

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