GTK+-2.0 not supported anymore

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David Delassus

Sep 22, 2011, 5:30:00 PM9/22/11
Today I have removed support for GTK+-2.0 (and unfortunately DirectFB, because GTK+-3.0 does not support it anymore).

Why did I do this?

  • As with all new versions of GTK+-3.0 comes with interesting features (such as CSS to customize the widgets) that are not available in GTK+-2.0. It is relatively a handicap for development.
  • GTK+-2.0 is much heavier than GTK+-3.0, because GTK+-3.0 removes many features depreciated. This handicaps even more the development, requiring many #ifdef block in the code.
  • The library WebKitGTK already has a port to GTK+-3.0 (although they still maintain the development of the branch GTK+-2.0), so switching to GTK+-3.0 will be invisible on this side of.
  • GTK+-3.0 is already in the repositories of many GNU/Linux distributions (such as Gentoo, Debian testing/sid, archlinux, ...), its installation for the developer and/or the user is not the most complicated. On this point, we could say that is because this version was released several months ago.

So I wont maintain any longer the support of the two releases, I encourage you to install GTK+-3.0 if not already done.

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