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Contingency Management flyer

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CHIC Updates

Nov 6, 2024, 10:14:29 AM11/6/24
to CHIC Updates


If you haven’t already, please feel free to share the flyer for Amy Shanahan’s in-person Contingency Management training on Tues. November 19th from 9:00 am – 4:00 pm at FCCA in Meadville. Please share with those who serve individuals and families in Crawford, Clarion, Venango, and rural Erie counties. Providers from other nearby areas will be considered if space permits. Space is limited and registration is required.


Contingency management (CM) is a highly effective treatment for substance use and related disorders. CM is a type of behavioral therapy in which individuals are reinforced, or rewarded, for evidence of positive behavioral change. These interventions have been widely tested and evaluated in the context of substance use treatment, and they most often involve provision of reinforcers for such things as submission of drug-negative urine specimens. The reinforcers typically consist of vouchers exchangeable for retail goods and services or the opportunity to win prizes.


Space is limited so please reach out to @Zack Cathcart to register.


Thank you!


Angela Morton, MA, CFRS

Consortium Director, Recovery Is NPWA Grant Projects

Rural Erie, Venango, Crawford, and Clarion Counties



Recovery is Community | Recovery is Community


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CM flyer Nov 2024.docx
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