crInstall never returning

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Jul 8, 2016, 5:41:15 PM7/8/16
to Crashrpt
Running CrashRpt via Visual Studio 2015 C++ MFC on Windows 10

Not always but many times when the execution hits crInstall(&info) it never returns and the app itself closes without a crash

Here is the code:
    // Originally I had the example code after crInstall() that checked if(nResult!=0) but it never got there so I tried the try...catch

    if (&info == NULL)  // Just checking in case this was the problem but it was not.
        // This is never the case.
        log_write(_T("InitInstance crInstall(&info) structure is NULL\n"));

    // Just to let me know that I got this far.
    log_write(_T("InitInstance crInstall(&info) structure set...\n"));

    try {
        int nResult = crInstall(&info);
       // Comes here if successful.
        log_write(_T("crInstall SUCCESS!...\n"));
    catch (...) {
        // Never comes here if the try above fails..
       // Application just shuts down during the failed crInstall()
        log_write(_T("crInstall try...catch FAILED!...\n"));
        return 1;

Anyone have any ideas??


Jul 11, 2016, 7:09:55 PM7/11/16
to Crashrpt

I decided to look into this problem again and realized that I was using the dgbHelp.dll that came with the original CrashRpt distribution download which was version 6.0.  I went to the Windows 10 SDK (Windows Kit) and got the latest version of dbgHelp.dll 10.0.  Voila!  That solved the problem

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