I can't get past crInstall without some string related error (Access violation crashes).

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Daniel Crosby

Jun 2, 2016, 9:21:17 AM6/2/16
to Crashrpt
I'm trying to install crash reported in my 64-bit UNICODE DLL (is DLLMain the place to do this?), using the 64-bit UNICODE version of CR 1403.

First I tried without setting CR_INSTALL_INFO.pszErrorReportSaveDir. This crashes here:

    // Create %LOCAL_APPDATA%\CrashRpt\UnsentCrashReports\AppName_AppVer folder.
    CString sLocalAppDataFolder;

When you try to step past the else and you hit the ~CString() (for sLocalAppDataFolder).

So then I tried setting CR_INSTALL_INFO.pszErrorReportSaveDir. This crashes in a different string-related area,
again in a destructor:

    unsigned i;
    for(i=0; i<m_ConvertedStrings.size(); i++)
        delete [] m_ConvertedStrings[i];

It hits this destructor when trying to return from Utility::GenerateGUID(CStringsGUID); (why does strconv store the string buffers anyway?)

Something definitely seems up with the string handling.

Any idea what?

Daniel Crosby

Jun 6, 2016, 7:45:28 PM6/6/16
to Crashrpt
It helps if you don't use the Release build of the Crash Reported with the Debug build of your DLL! D'oh!
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