Of course no one should be fooled by greenwash such as the eBook reader – just bollocks just like the electric car g’wash – electric cars are at least as polluting as petrol cars of the same size – end of story and they are useless as far as range is concerned the Nissan Leaf’s range is – and wait for it – 170clicks!!!!!!!!!! And it gets better it costs $50g well there you go c.p. the Chery which is $10g – don’t you just love greenwash!! Plus you can give/loan/share the book around so it has many readers in the life of one conventional book.
Ciao paul
SP opps I better check Annette’s electric pushbike is plugged in (real point - 20km range)
Digital delivery of content for e-readers is a rapidly expanding market. Many assume that, because trees aren't being cut down and used to manufacture paper for books, e-readers (including the Kindle, Nook, iPad, and the like) are a greener way to read books and magazines. But a broader look at the use of these devices that includes the life-cycle of the e-readers themselves paints a much bleaker picture about how green they really are.